Gardening Australia

Gardening Australia provides practical, realistic and credible horticultural and gardening advice, inspiring and entertaining Australian gardeners around the nation.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 30m

Release: 2005

Rating: 6.7

Season 1 - Gardening Australia
Season 2 - Gardening Australia
Season 3 - Gardening Australia
Season 20 - Gardening Australia
Season 21 - Gardening Australia
"A Cluttered Garden: Stephen visits a gardener in Melbourne who has used every available space for plants to create an inner-city haven.\n\nPreventing Soil Erosion: Tino Carnevale explains the damage done by soil erosion on a sloping block, and demonstrates some simple ways prevent it.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide to explain what to plant in the productive garden, right around the country.\n\nUnderstanding Bush Foods: Guest presenter Clarence Slockee introduces the first in a series of stories on the plants used by aboriginal people. He explains how the intimate understanding of plants built over thousands of years sustained the local people and their environment.\n\nWeed Alert: Coffee: Jerry Coleby-Williams highlights the weed potential of one of the world's most popular plants, coffee, and shows how to control it in the garden.\n\nGovernment House, NT: Leonie Norrington visits the historic garden at Government House in Darwin, to see the diverse plants collected since the garden was established in the 1890's."
"A Townsville Garden: Colin Campbell explores a garden where the owners have overcome Townsville's challenging dry tropical climate to create a paradise.\n\nCitrus Maintenance: Jerry Coleby-Williams demonstrates some essential autumn maintenance for citrus in the sub-tropics.\n\nUnderstanding Plant Uses: Guest presenter Clarence Slockee shows the diversity of Australian plants and the many ways aboriginal people used them.\n\nWeed Alert - Curry Plant: Jerry Coleby-Williams explains how to manage the weed potential of the popular tropical spice, curry leaf.\n\nGrowing Proteas and Waratahs: Angus Stewart profiles some plants from the ancient plant family Proteaceae and explains how to grow them."
"The Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is in The Vegie Patch pruning tomatoes, corn and pumpkins to encourage bigger fruit and preparing the strawberries for the season ahead.\n\nCreating a Pond: Stephen Ryan gets started on his new garden project converting a problematic wet and boggy area into a pond.\n\nUnderstanding the Environment: In the last of his series, guest presenter Clarence Slockee shows how aboriginal people manage plant resources sustainably to ensure a future for themselves and the local ecosystem.\n\nRose Renovation: Josh Byrne rejuvenates some old roses by applying the right mulch, replacing the worn stakes and installing some effective irrigation.\n\nSelf-watering Pots: Jane Edmanson demonstrates how to construct a self-watering pot in which to grow luscious herbs and lettuce throughout the intense heat of late summer."
"Planting Water Lilies: Stephen Ryan plants the newest part of his garden, the pond, where he has converted a difficult boggy spot into a spectacular feature.\n\nTip and Trick: Correcting Iron Deficiency: Sophie Thomson shows how to identify and treat lime induced chlorosis in plants.\n\nThe Point Preschool: Angus Stewart visits a pre-school garden in Sydney designed to connect the kids with their local plants and animals, and the food that ends up on the table.\n\nThe Vegie Plot: John Patrick is in his community garden vegie plot in Melbourne to tidy up after the summer heat, and plant cool season crops beetroot, broccolini and peas.\n\nThe Vegie Guide - March: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide a comprehensive planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nGardener of the Year 2009: Jane Edmanson announces the Gardening Australia 'Gardener of the Year' for 2009 and explores the inspirational garden created over 20 years."
"Amanda's Garden: Stephen Ryan visits a local gardener to chat about her amazing collection of rare and unusual native plants.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is in the Vegie Patch planting a late crop of zucchini, the first of the brassicas and demonstrates a unique method to grow carrots and parsnip.\n\nAutumn Planting: Sophie Thomson shows how to prepare for and plant citrus, one of the most popular productive evergreen trees.\n\nDead Easy Seeds: Jerry Colby-Williams shows the easiest types of seed to collect and save, and explains how to use them in the garden.\n\nA Master Gardener: Josh Byrne visits his friend and neighbour, who claims to have the best productive garden in Fremantle, to see how he produces such abundant crops to feed his family throughout the year."
"Geoffrey's Garden: Stephen Ryan visits a local gardener to chat about his passion for gardening.\n\nAutumn Maintenance: Josh Byrne does some autumn maintenance in his small productive garden to tidy up after a long hot summer and prepare for the season ahead.\n\nPlanning a Garden: John Patrick explains what to consider when planning a garden from scratch and shows how to create your own design.\n\nAn Adaptive Gardener: Angus Stewart meets an avid Sydney gardener who experiments continuously to find ways to overcome the challenging conditions.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide, a comprehensive planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nAttila the Collector: Jane Edmanson visits an old friend and passionate plant collector to see his new house and garden but finds that the garden has taken precedence over the house."
"Weather Tips: Stephen Ryan gives some tips for protecting the garden in extreme weather.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale demonstrates how to prune an established olive tree and plants a male kiwi fruit to ensure pollination of flowers and fruit production.\n\nA Lawn for the Tropics: Leonie Norrington explains how to create a lush green lawn in the tropics by choosing the right variety and what to do to establish and maintain it.\n\nWinter Herbs: Jane Edmanson demonstrates how to grow a range of fresh herbs in pots including leafy winter greens and Mediterranean perennials, winter savoury and rosemary.\n\nGreywater Tips: Josh Byrne talks about long term grey water use and how to treat plants adversely affected by its use.\n\nThe Happy Gardener: Sophie Thomson visits an amazing character in Adelaide who has an abundant productive garden. She finds out how Armando grows enough food to feed his own family and many others."
"A Crash Test Garden: Jerry Colby-Williams renovates his experimental front garden by removing plants that have not coped with the tough conditions and planting some new ones to experiment with.\n\nLeonie's Pest Remedies: Leonie Norrington explains why insect pests are so prolific in the tropical Wet Season and shows the best way to manage them.\n\nDividing Globe Artichokes: Stephen Ryan demonstrates how to get the best out of Globe Artichokes\n\nOld Fashioned Garden Tips: Colin Campbell explains some of the best practical gardening tips he's picked up over his long career, all tried and tested by generations of home vegie growers.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide, a planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nA Walled Garden: Angus Stewart visits a courtyard garden in NSW where the owners have created a leafy oasis that makes clever use of the small space."
"Coralee's Garden: Stephen Ryan drops in on a gardener who has created an amazing fernery, mini orchard and vegetable patch and has only been gardening for five years.\n\nFertilising Sloping Ground: Jerry Coleby-Williams shows how to fertilise plants that are growing on slopes.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is in The Vegie Patch planting winter crops including cool season herbs, peas and broad beans.\n\nOrnamental Gingers: Colin Campbell profiles this tough and beautiful group of flowering plants for warm climate gardens and gives his tips on how to grow and maintain them.\n\nBuilding a Shadehouse: Leonie Norrington shows how to make a shadehouse and then use it successfully to propagate and grow plants.\n\nA Dog's Garden: Jane Edmanson visits a family who have designed their small suburban garden to cater for everyone, especially their pets."
"Planting Bulbs: Stephen Ryan demonstrates some great tips to get bulbs off to a good start.\n\nPlanting Winter Vegetables: Jerry Colby-Williams is planting a range of cool season crops in his productive Brisbane garden including tomatoes, kale, kohlrabi and peas.\n\nPlanning a Bed: John Patrick gives tips on how to design the plantings in a garden bed and visits a garden to look at some examples.\n\nDealing with Shade: Josh Byrne shows how to prepare and plant a garden to survive in the challenging conditions created in dry shade.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide, a planting calendar for productive gardens around the country.\n\nGardening in Ballarat\/High on a Hill: Jane Edmanson meets Ballarat locals who describe the unique and difficult growing conditions and then visits a spectacular garden near Ballarat where the gardener has overcome the conditions with an artist's flair."
"The Vegie Plot: John Patrick discusses how to practice crop rotation in a single small garden bed, plants winter vegies for succussive crops and starts his fruit garden by planting a dwarf pear.\n\nDry Climate Bulbs: Sophie Thomson explains why bulbs are some of her favourite plants for dry climate gardens and shows how to plant and grow them.\n\nHabitat Gardeners: Jerry Colby-Williams explores a garden in Brisbane that proves you can provide habitat for wildlife only kilometres from the CBD.\n\nHeirloom Vegies: Jane visits a trial garden designed to test old fashioned heirloom fruit and vegetable varieties for their suitability to home gardens.\n\nA Fremantle Garden: Josh Byrne visits a garden in Fremantle where the owners have worked with the challenging conditions over 20 years to create a water wise garden with a sense of place."
"Michelle\u2019s Garden: Stephen Ryan drops in on a local gardener to talk about a passion for plants and their garden.\n\nMaking Potting Mixes: Jane Edmanson shows how to make a range of different specialist potting mixes by incorporating ingredients like sand, compost and fertilisers.\n\nCommon Gardening Problems: Angus Stewart helps a local gardener solve some problems common to Sydney gardens including managing pests and disease, treating yellowing leaves and selecting the right tree.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates the Australia Wide vegie planting guide\n\nSpinifex: Colin Campbell profiles an important pioneer plant for coastal regions and discusses why it\u2019s so useful in dune regeneration work and in coastal gardens.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale explains the crop rotation system in The Vegie Patch, divides and replants rhubarb and checks on the progress of the banana."
"The Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale explains the different types of garlic and how to grow them, sows a green manure crop and harvests Jerusalem artichokes.\n\nMoving the Garden: Josh Byrne is moving house and wants to take some of his current garden with him, so he shows what to do to move potted plants and propagates cuttings to get the new garden off to a flying start.\n\nPaper Pots: Jane Edmanson shows how to make seed raising pots from newspaper.\n\nDeciduous Plants: John Patrick visits a spectacular garden in the Dandenong ranges in Victoria to explore its collection of deciduous plants and gives his tips to grow and maintain them.\n\nSpring Cottage: Jerry Colby-Williams visits a small inner city garden in Brisbane where the gardener has cleared away the weeds and discovered a rich horticultural history."
"Harvesting Pumpkins: Stephen Ryan is in his cool climate vegie garden harvesting and dividing Yacon and planting crops for the season ahead.\n\nRepairing the Lawn: Sophie Thomson shows how to repair a tired patch of lawn using a single piece of instant turf.\n\nGardening in Byron Bay: Colin Campbell explores a garden in Byron Bay where the owners have overcome the challenging coastal conditions to create a subtropical haven.\n\nFruits of the Rainforest: Clarence Slockee is at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney to look at plants from the Australian Rainforest and how they were used by aboriginal people.\n\nEspaliering Shrubs: Jane Edmanson shows how to cover an unsightly fence by training a hardy and fast growing shrubs.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide for June."
"Margie's Garden: Stephen Ryan drops in on a local gardener to chat about their passion for plants and the garden.\n\nBuilding a Raised Vegie Garden: Leonie Norrington shows how to build a raised garden bed to grow vegetables away from the competition of surrounding tree roots.\n\nJosh's New Front Garden: Josh Byrne has moved into a new rented house with an old rundown garden so to get started for very little cost he is working out what plants are worth retaining and how to rejuvenate them.\n\nPropagating Cassava: Jerry Coleby-Williams demonstrates how to propagate the Cassava plant which provides the third largest source of carbohydrates to people around the world.\n\nDesigning a Courtyard Garden: John Patrick visits three courtyard gardens and explains some of the simple design tricks used to create practical and beautiful gardens in a small space.\n\nShirley's Native Garden: Jane Edmanson visits an Australian plant lover in the Dandenong Ranges to see her extensive collection of native species and a garden full of colour and character."
"Herb Garden Overhaul: Jerry Coleby-Williams is rejuvenating his herb garden by harvesting what he can, replacing spent plants and putting in some new species, some of which he has never grown before.\n\nCumberland Plain Woodland: Clarence Slockee visits the Mt Annan Botanic Garden about 60 km south west of Sydney to find out about a unique piece of remnant woodland and what they are doing to preserve it.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide for June.\n\nThe Meaning of Leaf: Sophie Thomson explores the Class Garden at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens and explains the characteristics of this group of flowering plants and how to use them in the garden.\n\nTomatoes for the Tropics: Leonie Norrington plants tomatoes using a special soil mix for her new raised vegie garden to ensure a bumper crop.\n\nSprout Community Garden: Jane Edmanson visits a garden in Melbourne that has been created to support people experiencing mental illness, recovering addicts and those at risk of homelessness."
"Stephen\u2019s Perennial Border: Stephen Ryan gets stuck into his perennial border by removing plants that haven\u2019t worked, rearranging those that have and pruning others to encourage vigorous spring growth.\n\nVegie Garden Timber: Josh Byrne explains the different types of timber available for use in the garden and which he prefers to use, particularly in the vegie patch.\n\nA Shade Loving Plant: Sophie Thomson shows how to propagate a tough and colourful plant for the shade.\n\nNational Camellia Gardens: Angus Stewart visits the National Camellia Garden in Sydney to explore their extensive collection of these tough, colourful and elegant plants.\n\nProtecting Your Mulch: Leonie Norrington shows a simple way to stop chooks and other birds from removing mulch from under plants.\n\nThe Vegie Patch : Tino Carnevale compares the different pruning techniques used to train apples and looks at two sub-tropical fruits that thrive in Tasmania\u2019s cool climate."
"Variegated Foliage: Stephen Ryan looks at ways to add colour to winter gardens by using plants with variegated foliage.\n\nStarting a Rose Garden: Sophie Thomson explains different types of roses and the best ways to use them and what to do at planting to get them off to a flying start.\n\nColour in Winter: Stephen Ryan gives tips on how to liven up a garden in the cooler months.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is pruning and training raspberry canes and planting winter crops potatoes and repeat harvest greens.\n\nPollinating Macadamia Trees: Clarence Slockee explains the intimate relationship between the towering rainforest giant and a tiny native bee.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide, a planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nTeresa Rocchi's Garden: Josh Byrne visits a friend who has cultivated every inch of her small Fremantle garden, including the verge."
"Annie's Garden: Stephen Ryan visits a passionate local gardener to explore her seasonal garden, bursting with the plants she has collected over the last 20 years.\n\nJohn's Plot: John Patrick is in his community garden vegie plot planting leafy crops of radicchio, silver beet, kale and strawberries.\n\nMonty Don: Josh Byrne meets one of the most influential garden commentators in the world to find out how he thinks gardens are linked to culture, community and our future.\n\nSucculents for the Shade: Sophie Thompson looks at how succulents can be used to grow in shady spots of the garden such as under large trees.\n\nJerry's Neighbours: Jerry drops in on his neighbours to see their wildlife friendly and productive garden created through their different, and sometimes opposing, theories of gardening."
"Stephen's Pond: Stephen Ryan checks the progress of his new pond, pruning and assessing the new plants, removing spent annuals and explains how to keep the fish healthy throughout the cooler months.\n\nLilly Pillies: Clarence Slockee explores the different species of Lilly pilly and shows his top picks to produce tasty fruit.\n\nStructure in the Garden: Colin Campbell explores a Brisbane garden that provides colour and interest in every season through careful planning, soil preparation and wise plant selection.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide for July - what vegetables to plant, in your climate zone.\n\nLooking after Roses: Sophie Thomson shows what to do to roses in winter including pruning, feeding the soil and demonstrates some simple steps to prevent pests and disease.\n\nFront Garden Makeover: Jane Edmanson demonstrates how to transform a small driveway garden bed into a beautiful, practical and productive space."
"Fertiliser Teas: Angus Stewart shows how to make and use fertiliser teas made from simple household ingredients.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is making the most of the Tasmanian winter by planting three different types of cherry, pruning red and black currants and maintaining the citrus to ensure bumper crops.\n\nCottage Garden Maintenance: Jerry Coleby- Williams rejuvenates a sub tropical cottage garden by pruning shrubs to shape, harvesting, re-sowing seed of annuals and test pruning some sensitive perennial plants.\n\nPruning Tools: Jane Edmanson profiles the different pruning tools and shows how to use them.\n\nDesigning a Kid's Garden: John Patrick explains the key elements of creating a garden for kids and shows how to integrate them into a design."
"Josh's New Backyard: Josh Byrne is creating a new back yard by assessing and rejuvenating the plants he wants to keep, planting a fast growing screen for privacy and starting his herb garden.\n\nSydney Sandstone Soil: Angus Stewart explains the difficulties of gardening with Sydney sandstone soil and shows how to make it work effectively.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide - what vegetables to sow in climate zones around Australia.\n\nGardening in Central Victoria: Jane Edmanson looks that the unique conditions faced by gardeners in the Goldfield areas of Central Victoria.\n\nBuilding a No-Dig Garden: Leonie Norrington demonstrates how to build a simple no-dig vegetable patch.\n\nA Garden in the Bush: Jane Edmanson visits a gardener in Central Victoria who has overcome the challenges of poor soil and drought to create a beautiful and productive garden."
"Anthony and Claire's Garden: Stephen Ryan visits a couple in a new Melbourne suburb who have created a garden full of natives, lush tropical foliage plants and personality in only a few years.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is making the most of the cool winter soil by planting his favourite fruit, cherries.\n\nTree Staking: Jane Edmanson shows when you need to stake a tree, how to do it and when to remove it.\n\nGardening Under Gums: Angus Stewart shows how to successfully grow plants in the challenging conditions found under gum trees.\n\nDesigning a Formal Garden: John Patrick visits two very different formal gardens and explains how to apply the same design principles to any size garden\n\nSubtropical Harvesting: Jerry Coleby-Williams is harvesting and replanting ginger, turmeric and yams, sowing seed of some cool season greens and getting in a late crop of garlic."
"Building a Vegie Bed: Josh Byrne builds a simple and portable raised vegetable bed using recycled timber.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide, a planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nTom and Lorna\u2019s Garden: Sophie Thomson visits a couple in Adelaide who have been working their productive and beautiful garden for over 50 years.\n\nErinose Mite: Jerry Coleby-Williams gives information on the Erinose Mite \u2013 how to identify them and how to manage them.\n\nHardwood Cuttings: Colin Campbell shows how to propagate hardwood cuttings, and explains which plants are the best for the job.\n\nPlanting the No-dig Garden: Leonie Norrington is planting her new no-dig garden with tough perennial vegetables sweet leaf and cassava as well as drought tolerant herbs and spices."
"7 August 2010\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale looks at the six crops growing in The Vegie Patch rotation system, fertilises for their individual needs and explains the trick to growing onions.\n\nFruit Tree Maintenance: Jerry Coleby-Williams is doing some winter maintenance on his fruit trees, pruning out citrus gall wasp, cleaning and spraying to prevent fungal attack and controlling the roots of the bananas.\n\nRingwood Community Garden: John Patrick visits a community garden to get ideas for his own plot and discovers a unique method for watering vegies and a gardener growing subtropical vegetables in Melbourne.\n\nPest Traps: Sophie Thomson looks at ways to control pests by using traps made from household items.\n\nWinter Lawn Maintenance: Stephen Ryan prepares his lawn for spring by removing weeds, raking out old leaves and applying dolomite to combat soil acidity.\n\nUrban Eden: Josh Byrne visits a suburban garden, overflowing with plants and creativity and finds out just what can be achieved on a very restricted budget."
"The Vegie Patch: Tino Carnevale is doing some winter fruit tree maintenance, pruning the pomegranate, inspecting for pest and disease and treating scale and sooty mould.\n\nGum Trees: Clarence Slockee looks at the most iconic of all Australian trees and explains how they were used by aboriginal people.\n\nGrid Planting: Jane Edmanson shows a simple planting trick to get the most out of a small vegie garden.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Stephen Ryan updates The Vegie Guide, a planting calendar for productive gardens right around the country.\n\nTextured Garden: Jerry Coleby-Williams shows how to use textural plants in the garden to create colour and interest throughout the year, regardless of flowers.\n\nEuphorbias: Stephen Ryan shows some of his favourite plants from this large and diverse genus.\n\nStephanie Alexander: Leonie Norrington chats to Stephanie Alexander at the launch of The Kitchen Garden Foundation in The Top End to discuss how they are growing a new generation of gardeners."
Season 22 - Gardening Australia
"Colin Campbell visits a subtropical garden that has become a habitat haven for local wildlife; Tino Carnevale digs in the green manure crop, checks the progress of winter crops and plants a range of herbs."
"Sophie Thomson shows how to keep the kids gardening through winter; Josh Byrne visits a couple who have worked to create an abundant food forest garden; Tino Carnevale helps to tackle a garden of old and overgrown fruit trees."
"Jane Edmanson visits a flower grower who also grows vegetables for St Kilda's Sacred Heart Mission to help feed the homeless; Tino Carnevale meets a gardener who has overcome the challenge of a new gardening climate; and more."
Season 23 - Gardening Australia
"On the Verge: New host, Costa introduces an inspirational community project which will be the cornerstone of Gardening Australia for the year. He will transform his nature strip into a productive and playful garden for the whole street to use and enjoy. He kicks it all off by bringing the community together to build a no-dig vegie garden.\n\nA Triumph Over Sand: Jane visits a gardener in a bay-side suburb of Melbourne who has spent over fifty years creating her lush and colourful oasis in almost pure sand.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Costa travels to Hobart's Royal Botanical Gardens to catch up with Tino and find out what is happening in the vegie patch, get some advice about what to plant on the verge and do a bit of harvesting.\n\nThe Italian Feast: Costa and Tino take the harvest from the vegie patch and take a drive to Tino's Mum and Dad where they cook up an Italian feast."
"On the Verge Costa introduces his chickens and builds a mobile 'chook tractor' to enlist their help clearing the weeds on the verge. He and the community also plant the first crop of vegies in the new no-dig garden.\n\nNed's Grand Plan Sophie meets a young gardener whose passion for plants has grown into a productive plan for his future.\n\nAutumn Jobs Josh is getting stuck into some timely autumn maintenance including pruning, rejuvenating his little lawn and clearing some dead wood.\n\nA Garden for Play Colin meets a couple who have created a playful and interactive garden to inspire their children to be outdoors."
"Building Community: Jerry meets a Vietnam vet who has converted a wasteland into a vibrant and productive garden for the local community.\n\nOn the Verge - Water: Costa installs a simple watering system to supply the growing verge garden.\n\nGardening for Life: Jane visits a thriving market garden in Melbourne and meets the gardener who has farmed a piece of Melbourne's history for over 65 years.\n\nPicking Local Plants: Costa talks to a native plant expert to find out about the original landscape of the Bondi area and pick out some local species to plant on the verge.\n\nPlants and Ponds: Josh visits a large productive water plant nursery to see how plants keep ponds clean and healthy."
"On the Verge: Costa makes the most of the sunniest spot on the verge by planting a Mediterranean herb maze.\n\nGoing Green: Jerry takes advantage of the best growing season in the sub-tropics by planting fast growing Asian Greens.\n\nGet the Tropical Look: Sophie looks at a range of tropical looking plants perfectly suited to dry climate gardens.\n\nBanksias in Bloom: Josh visits King's Park to check out this iconic group of plants and marvels at some beauties.\n\nA Difficult Block: Colin visits a couple who have converted a series of awkward and exposed spaces into colourful garden rooms.\n\nThe Vegie Patch: Tino looks at some of his successful experiments in The Vegie Patch and starts another, this time planting citrus in cool Tassie."
"On the Verge - Compost: Costa shows us his fantastic compost recipe using ingredients donated by the community.\n\nMagical Mushrooms: Keen to grow mushrooms at home, Tino meets a mushroom farmer in Tasmania to get some ideas.\n\nHome at Last: John discovers a beautiful garden in Melbourne that blends a formal garden design with the informality of surrounding bush.\n\nA World Inside a World: Costa and Angus take a closer look at the millions of individual organisms in compost and show us how to troubleshoot compost problems.\n\nA Day At The Zoo: Jane heads to the Melbourne zoological gardens to discover how all the green and brown waste is handled."
"Predators Wanted: Jerry plants a range of species to attract predator insects to help keep pests under control.\n\nFarming Worms: Costa visits a passionate recycler to find out how to turn household scraps into food for plants and soil.\n\nBaskets of Colour: Colin shows how to plant productive and colourful hanging baskets to attract pollinating insects into any space, no matter the size.\n\nAnimal Attraction: Josh meets a carpenter who has turned his skills to building habitat and housing for a diverse range of animals.\n\nOlives and Naked Ladies: Sophie plants a dramatic and drought tolerant new entrance to her house garden."
"A New Verge: Costa heads down the street to help a few families get started on their very own verge garden full of vegies, herbs and Australian natives.\n\nAutumn Work: Tino harvests the last tomatoes, clears zucchini plants from the garden beds and does a spot of autumn fruit tree maintenance.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: Find out what to plant in your climate zone.\n\nA Promise to Mum: Josh drops in on his mum to show us her stunning courtyard garden and home sanctuary that has been artfully designed for the seaside climate of Fremantle.\n\nSophie's Tribe: Costa visits Sophie to take a tour of her new garden to see how it's going and find out what her plans are. He also meets her five kids.\n\nPlanting for Winter: Tino plants some of the toughest, most productive and flavoursome winter vegies: the onions and the cabbages."
"On the Verge - Traffic: Costa builds paths around and through the verge to prevent plants being trampled, and to allow car doors to open.\n\nThe Palm Lady: Jane visits a passionate gardener who has filled her garden with palms from all over the world, and what's more remarkable is that she's done this in cool climate Melbourne.\n\nPotted Fruit: Colin plants small fruit trees in containers for easy access and low maintenance, so no matter how small a garden, fruit is still possible.\n\nA Cool House: Angus checks out a Sydney house and garden designed to be energy efficient and sustainable and which makes brilliant use of local plants to reduce the energy demands of the house.\n\nGrand Designs: John visits a spectacular Italian style villa on the Victorian coast whose formal design incorporates the production of fruit, vegetables and herbs."
"On the Verge - First Harvest: Costa and the kids are picking the first harvest from the verge, which they distribute to the residents of the street.\n\nA Helping Hand: Jerry met his neighbour Chass when he moved to Wynnum 8 years ago and now the pair share the harvest of their gardens, as well as knowledge and advice.\n\nGood Companions: Tino is planting companion vegies, herbs and flowers that thrive under similar conditions and which bring benefits to help each other thrive.\n\nGrowing Community: Jane is at one of her favourite gardens in Mornington Peninsular where the locals have transformed a disused paddock into a thriving place for the community to grow vegetables and share their harvest.\n\nSharing the Load: Colin visits a neighbourhood in the Brisbane hinterland where two families have bonded over their love of gardening.\n\nFrank and Fred: Costa visits neighbours in Wollongong's industrial heartland who have shared a fence, friendship and their gardens for over forty years."
"Ron's Place: Josh visits Ron Watkins, a third generation farmer in the Great Southern Region of WA, who over the last 30 years has transformed his approach to farming by dealing with the issues of salinity, water management and organics. As a result, he is a changed farmer.\n\nFood, Glorious Food: Sophie visits a small scale mixed farm on the outskirts of Adelaide that has been cleverly designed to make productive use of the local climate, site and resources. Based on permaculture principles, many of the features can be used in the home garden.\n\nHealing the Land: Costa visits an innovative young couple in country Victoria who have restored their land by working with and mimicking nature, the lessons of which can be easily applied by all gardeners.\n\nThe Road Less Travelled: In Josh's follow up story with Ron Watkins, Josh visits the local farmers market, which Ron helped establish. Josh finds out why he did it, the tole it plays in the community and how his connections with people fuel his passion for organics and the land."
"The Colour of Autumn: John visits the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria to look at the spectacular autumn colour, find out why their leaves change and pick out a few of his favourite trees.\n\nCourt in the Shade: Angus pays a visit to Costa to see first-hand how the On The Verge community project is going and to lend Costa a hand at a neighbour's place.\n\nA Shady Patch: Tino plants a shady spot in the patch with vegies that will produce a crop in low light conditions.\n\nA Potty Affair: Colin meets a passionate gardener in Brisbane with an extraordinary collection of shade loving plants in pots.\n\nThe Hills Are Alive: Jane travels to the Yarra Valley to meet a gerbera grower to find out how he produces colourful flowers all year round."
"A Bountiful Balcony: Costa visits Indira Naidoo in inner Sydney to see how she has transformed her 13th floor balcony into a productive garden.\n\nHome Among the Gum Trees:Josh visits the home garden of Perth's botanical royalty to see what is in their own small shady backyard.\n\nPrepping for Winter: Jerry gets to work to ensure he gets the best from his garden throughout winter in the subtropics.\n\nAn Ancient Landscape: Tino visits a couple whose collection of rare and unusual plants echo's our ancient landscape - when Australia was part of Gondwana.\n\nA Home Supermarket: Costa travels to the Adelaide Hills to meet a pair of passionate gardeners who have established a wildly productive fruit and veg garden."
"On the Verge - Creating Waves: Costa's on the verge with his neighbour planting a range of colourful winter veggies in a wavy pattern.\n\nBuilding for Bugs: Josh is building specialised habitat to attract a range of critters into his son's play area.\n\nBespoke Vegies: Jerry profiles some of his favourite home grown vegies that are hard to find at the greengrocers.\n\nZoo with a View: Sophie visits Adelaide Zoo to see how they have increased their garden space using the roofs of their buildings.\n\nA Horticultural Wonderland: Jane uncovers a gardener who has snipped and shaped his garden into a topiary wonderland in Melbourne's West"
"Growing Health: Angus meets a bloke who suffered a mid-life health scare and turned to the garden to successfully transform his diet and his health.\n\nWarding off the Cold: Jerry demonstrates how to grow some tried and true plants to help tackle the symptoms of a common cold.\n\nBringing Back the Bush: Costa meets a volunteer group who are working to bring the native bushland on the shores of Sydney Harbour back to health.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: What to plant in the vegie patch in your climate zone.\n\nAmanda's Garden: Josh meets a couple who have created a spectacular garden as a memorial for their daughter."
"Let There be Light: Costa removes an invasive tree species to allow more light to fuel the vegies on the verge.\n\nBack from the Brink: Tino meets a couple who have restored a formal garden on a windy wheat-belt, about an hour north of Hobart, for the whole community to enjoy.\n\nGimme Shelter: Sophie is planting a number of windbreaks, to provide shelter to her vegie patch and orchard in the season to come and beyond.\n\nA Rainforest Retreat: Josh visits a gardener who has spent over 40 years creating a secluded rainforest retreat to hide away from Perth's hot and dry climate.\n\nBeside the Seaside: Jane Edmanson visits a creative couple who have built a lush, layered garden only a block from the beach."
"Schools In!: Costa helps a local school make productive use of small sunny space by helping to install an aquaponics system.\n\nPicking a Winner: Tino shows us how to select nursery stock that will perform best in the garden.\n\nFrom Small Beginnings: Sophie meets Tori Moreton who started an inspiring project for new gardeners to grow their own vegies.\n\nStarting a Verge: Costa lists the requirements for getting a verge garden started.\n\nSitting Pretty: Josh builds a multi-purpose gabion rock seat in the garden.\n\nA Sucker for Salvias: John meets a gardener with a passion for salvias, one of the easiest colourful plants to grow in the garden."
"Helping Hands: Costa jumps on board with the Canterbury Garden Care volunteers to lend a hand assisting a passionate older gardener.\n\nBomb-Proof Beauties: Colin picks his favourite plants for beginners and explains how best to use them.\n\nThe Next Generation: Tino is out in the patch keeping fit during winter, digging in compost and planting the strongest crops for the season to come.\n\nGrowing a Gardener: Jerry shares some of the best gardening tips he learned from his grandfathers.\n\nEducating Angus: Angus drops in on his old horticultural lecturer Dr Bill Greenhalgh and checks out the thriving community garden Bill is overseeing at the retirement village."
"Made in China: Jane meets the curator in charge of the diverse collection of Southern Chinese plants at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne to find out the story behind it.\n\nAn Insatiable Appetite: Sophie meets an obsessive collector and breeder of carnivorous plants, who's travelled the world in search of the weirdest varieties.\n\nThe Beauty of Begonias: Costa visits the stomping ground of the NSW Begonia Society to find out why they love begonias.\n\nThe Vegie Guide: What to plant in the vegie patch in your climate zone.\n\nAn Unusual Crop: Josh meets a farmer with an incredible and unexpected collection of eremophila whose passion has seen him travel the country in an attempt to complete his collection."
"Growing Connections: Sophie is on the rooftop of a community medical centre to see how the clients use a productive garden as part of their therapy.\n\nA Secret Garden: Costa is in inner city Paddington at the old reservoir that\u2019s been transformed from derelict infrastructure into a sunken garden for all to enjoy.\n\nRoom to Grow: John Patrick visits a park to look at trees that are too big for your average back yard but can be enjoyed in a public space.\n\nGoing Up!: Tino makes a vertical garden out of a recycled pallet that anyone can recreate in a small or large space.\n\nA Working Garden: Jerry visits the CSIRO in Brisbane to see how the building has been designed to bring the garden into the workplace."
"The Italian Influence: Jane is at a heritage listed property on the outskirts of Melbourne that tells a story of the enduring legacy of Italian migration on Australia's food culture\n\nThe Language of Gardening: Sophie visits a secondary school in Adelaide where students from diverse backgrounds learn English and share their experiences through gardening.\n\nA Remarkable Journey: Josh Byrne meets Peter Nguyen, a Vietnamese refugee, to find out how he came to be the curator of horticulture at the home of WA plants, Kings Park.\n\nFarming a Future: Costa visits Mamre House, a historic farm in Sydney's west that is providing a plot for refugees from around the world to grow traditional food and connect to community."
"Taking a Tour: Jerry shows Costa around his garden to talk about the ways he uses plants.\n\nStreetsmarts: John visits a street in the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood, redesigned to stop flooding, catch and clean water using native plants, and grow edible plants for the locals."
"A Potato Famine: Jane visits a gardener who has great success with all manner of fruit and vegies in a small plot, save for one - potatoes. Jane gives her some tips to help."
"Thinking Local: Angus meets a young nurseryman whose passion for propagating and protecting native plants is restoring bushland in Sydney's West.\n\nAn Aussie Verge: Costa brings a bit of colour to the street by helping his neighbours plant their verge with Australian native flowers. The Vegie Patch: With the help of a bush food expert, Tino is planting vegies native to Tasmania in The Vegie Patch.\n\nProudly Australian: Josh meets a couple with a native garden and a bush block who are doing their bit to protect Australia's biodiversity in Mandurah.\n\nA Distant Affair: Jane Edmanson visits the Napoleon Exhibition at the NGV, to explore Napoleon and Josephine's extraordinary fascination with Australia and its plants."
"The Barefoot Farmer: Colin meets a market gardener who has joined up with the local primary school to help connect the kids with the garden and the food on their plate.\n\nStarting from Scratch: Jerry visits a newly established community garden to find out how it got started and give his top tips for getting one going from scratch. Life on the Street: Costa's meets a street of gardeners who have transformed their concrete nature strips into lush and playful gardens growing food, flowers and the community. Planting a Community: Sophie enlists the help of an herb expert to plant a community of beneficial plant species throughout her productive patch. The Club: Jane visits one of Australia's oldest horticultural societies to explore their extensive display gardens and meet some members."
"GARDENING AUSTRALIA SPECIAL - CONNECTION TO COUNTRY\n\nThe Totem Garden: Costa and Clarence are in Katherine to help a local pre-school build a sensory garden for the kids to explore. Farmed by Community: Costa and Clarence visit a productive farm on the outskirts of Katherine that is growing fresh food, jobs, skills, and a future for the local community. Growing Health: Josh visits a school in the remote Kimberley town of Looma that has integrated gardening into the canteen and the classroom.\n\nLearning the Land: Costa and Clarence travel to King Valley where women Elders have planted a garden to pass on knowledge and culture and strengthen their community."
"In Love with Plants: Jerry visits a gardener in Wynnum to see how she has lovingly grown a garden brimming with plants, and gives her some advice on dealing with a persistent garden problem.\n\nSpring Into It: Tino is launching into the season by planting spring and summer vegies now the weather is warming up in The Vegie Patch.\n\nDropping in on a Friend: Sophie visits a friend in the Adelaide Hills to see what she's growing and gain some inspiration for her own garden.\n\nA Nip and a Tuck: Josh learns a grafting technique from a man passionate about Eremophilas.\n\nBeyond the Black Stump: Angus is on the outskirts of Sydney to appreciate the labour of a lifetime that has gone into this stunning native garden, and demonstrates how to propagate native plants that will add to this gardener's collection."
"Jumping the Fence: Jerry is with an environmental weed expert in a patch of local Brisbane bush to take a look at plants that have escaped from home gardens.\n\nWild Food: Costa meets a suburban forager who's passionate about edible plants in the wild. A Looming Threat: John visits John Arnott at the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne to find out more about myrtle rust, a new fungal disease that could threaten a huge range of Australian plant species.\n\nGrowing Health: Josh gets stuck into some spring work in his garden to ensure a healthy season, free of pests and disease. A Simple Solution: Sophie visits a lettuce farm to see how cleverly designed native planting has reduced pest and disease problems."
"A Positive Path: Costa visits a community garden that's providing horticultural skills to juvenile offenders.\n\nA Plant Revival: Tino is in his garden providing tips and tricks for reviving unhealthy or neglected plants.\n\nThe Secret Garden: Angus is in a garden tucked away in Sydney's North West, treasured by people of all abilities who come to enjoy the surrounds and grow plants. Core Gardening: Sophie's gets tips from a physiotherapist on ways to prevent injuring yourself when gardening.\n\nA Garden for Life: Jane Edmanson meets a young gardener whose plot has nurtured and nourished her through treatment for breast cancer."
"Springing To Life: Costa enlists an army of helpers to help with spring planting more vegies on the verge.\n\nNurturing the Landscape: Tino is planting out his front garden with indigenous and rare native plants to create shelter for local wildlife.\n\nRegenerating Connection: Angus meets a Ranger at Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park who works with young men to help them reconnect with their culture.\n\nSpring Cleaning: Jane takes advantage of the warm spring weather by pruning, feeding and mulching to rejuvenate some tired and overgrown plants. Flooded With Help: Jerry meets a gardener in Brisbane who, with the help of some dedicated volunteers, has rebuilt his garden after the devastating 2011 floods."
"Marion's Sanctum: Josh meets an Australian horticultural legend in Perth who has spent her lifetime creating sanctuaries for both people and plants. Growing Up: John visits an inner city garden perched high above the streets of Melbourne. A Suburban Retreat: Costa meets a passionate gardener who's created her own sanctuary in the Western suburbs of Sydney.\n\nA Room of One's Own: Sophie plants an area in her garden with frivolous pretties where she will be able to relax and take in the view.\n\nMemory Lane: Jane visits an aged care facility in Melbourne to meet a gardener who has created garden areas that are places for rejuvenation and reflection for the residents."
"**** SPECIAL - Gardening Australia's Gardener of the Year finalists ****\n\nA Mediterranean Gardener: Tino meets a gardener who has styled her block in rural Victoria after the Mediterranean landscape she and her husband love. They also share their garden with people from diverse backgrounds and abilities. A Dryland Gardener: Sophie visits a spectacular Australian plant garden about two hours from Adelaide that was cleverly designed and built to thrive in the local conditions. A Coastal Gardener: Costa meets a gardener in Jervis Bay who's planted and nurtured a thriving coastal garden and taken her passion beyond her own block by helping to revegetate local dunes.\n\nA City Gardener: Jane visits the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre in Melbourne to meet a gardener who has created stunning sensory gardens for patients, staff and visitors to the Centre.\n\nA Tropical Gardener: Jerry travels to Cairns to visit a lush tropical garden created with hard work, creativity and cuttings."
"High on a Hill: Tino meets a gardener growing rare and unusual plants from Tasmania's wilderness in her garden on Mount Wellington.\n\nA Mini Citrus Grove: Costa helps his neighbours plant a mini citrus orchard on their verge. Landscapes in Miniature: Sophie explores a Japanese garden in Adelaide to see how it's designed to evoke the landscape of another place.\n\nA Taste of the Andes: Tino's in The Vegie Patch planting vegies that originated from the Andes. Tackling Terrain: John Patrick explains the design principles that can be used to tackle a sloping site."
"Toughing It Out: Sophie picks and plants some spectacular performers for the dry South Australian summer conditions. Beating the Heat: Angus demonstrates how to prepare plants to survive summer. Cooling Our Streets: Costa hits the streets of Sydney to find out about the cooling effects of plants and trees.\n\nTips for Summer: Jerry shows us how he plants, prunes and protects his garden for the subtropical heat.\n\nAgainst the Odds: Josh travels to Geraldton in W.A. to meet a gardener whose productive block is designed to thrive in the dry climate."
"Creating A Buzz: Costa's installing a hive of native bees in his backyard to help with pollination.\n\nLife On The Farm: Josh visits a farm in Perth's city centre that's growing flower clusters to attract a diversity of insects to keep the garden blooming.\n\nBless The Mess: Jerry and entomologist Dr Tim Heard look at the benefits of a messy garden, which provides food and habitat to the little creatures. A Fertile Experiment: Tino uses lettuce to experiment with three liquid fertilisers: worm juice, seaweed extract and fish emulsion - to find out which is the most effective. A Grassland Haven: Jane visits a grassland at Werribee zoo to see the work being done to restore one of Australia's most bio-diverse and threatened plant and animal communities."
"How We Have Grown: Costa looks back on a successful first year On The Verge and celebrates with his neighbours with a street party.\n\nCelebrating Tasmanian Plants: Tino visits a regional botanic garden built by the community near Hobart that showcases the diversity, colour and adaptability of plants from Tasmania's South East.\n\nGardener of the Year: Costa announces the 2012 Gardening Australia 'Gardener of the Year'.\n\nSummer at Home: Sophie brings herbs and flowers to the table with a specially built planter inserted in the middle and has friends over for lunch to celebrate the start of summer.\n\nA Tribute to Colin: Gardening Australia celebrates the life of much loved presenter Colin Campbell who passed away in August, and looks at the enduring contribution he made to Australian gardening."
Season 26 - Gardening Australia
"Costa visits a family who are about to transform their backyard blank canvas into a productive space; Tino is back in The Patch planting autumn vegies, and there are gardening tips and tricks galore."
"Costa drops in on the Gordons to help them find out if their soil is safe for growing vegetables and feeding the family and Jerry gets busy planting a subtropical winter bounty, including tomatoes and corn."
"Costa gets creative sprucing up recycled containers with productive herbs. Jerry dispels a myth about pawpaws; Angus shows how to take care of flowering gums; and Josh explains how to keep your passionfruit powering on."
"Sophie unveils her new pizza oven and celebrates by planting out a new pizza herb garden and Costa visits a community garden that's turning a derelict industrial site with a rich history into a vibrant and productive hub."
"Costa helps the Gordon family build compost bays out of recycled materials and Angus busts some of the biggest myths about native plants and how to care for them, including pruning, watering and fertilising."
"Jerry checks out a hippeastrum farm to find out how new and exciting varieties of these easy-to-grow flowers are bred and propagated and Tino has a tip on how to keep rhubarb productive."
"Costa enjoys a little bit of tropical paradise in a garden in the heart of North West Sydney and Jane is planting spring bulbs in pots for a cracking display down the track."
"Tino is planting one of the most useful groups of plants to winter vegetable gardeners - legumes; and Costa drops in on an expert to find out how to preserve the autumnal glut with some delicious ideas for homemade pickles."
"Costa shows a couple of ways to bring potted shrubs and trees back from the brink; and Jerry shows a great way to nurture garden ecology, providing food for both beneficial and pest insects so they leave his food untouched."
"Costa revisits the Gordons to help them explore what chickens will make perfect new additions to their family flock and Josh grows some of the most abundant and easy home vegetables, including spuds, onions and garlic."
"Josh takes advantage of the vertical spaces in his garden by planting ornamental and productive climbers and with frost season upon southern gardeners, Sophie has some tips on how to prevent and manage frost-damaged plants."
"Join Costa Georgiadis and the Gardening Australia team as they head back outdoors to bring you gardening inspiration and advice from across the country."
"Costa explores the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show; Tino plants a selection of winter herbs; Jane explains why citrus leaves go yellow, and Sophie profiles the unusual but easy to grow New Guinea bean."
"Sophie visits a stunning garden that is a colourful, lush oasis atop a windy, exposed hill while Costa explores the toughest plants for home gardeners, succulents and shows how to plant and care for them."
"Josh shows how to overcome one of trickiest spots in gardens - south facing aspects that get deep shade for most of the year, but searing overhead sun in the summer."
"Costa visits a roof and green wall expert; Sophie looks closer at bugs in her garden; Jane is growing and propagating ferns; Tino visits a rhododendron garden; and Tino makes use of fireplace ash and charcoal."
"Sophie visits a colourful country garden; Jerry plants crops for the subtropical winter; Angus profiles some knockout natives for pots; Tino talks about lemons for cold climates; and Costa explores a community garden."
"Jane explores the wonderful diversity of fungi with an expert and finds out how they are integral to the health and vitality of gardens. Costa drops in on a viewer to help with her ailing citrus plants."
"Costa profiles indoor plants & how to care for them; Josh visits a small garden packed with big ideas; Jane looks at her favourite plants for winter fragrance; and John visits a wonderful example of modernist design."
"Costa shares some home remedies for weeds and pests; Jane visits a lush food garden; Angus shows how to pick the correct potting mix; Tino explores an historic and beautiful garden and John profiles some new release plants."
"Costa visits the propagating group at RBG Sydney; Tino plants some late winter crops; John shows how to use colour effectively; Josh visits a gardener inspiring others to grow; Jerry shows how to breed your own cultivars."
"Angus visits a native garden; Costa builds a three tier planter; Jerry propagates an unusual yam; Tino visits a garden that's full of ideas for deterring animals; and Jane shows how to prune roses."
"Josh visits a garden full of African succulents and cycads; Jerry visits a curater's garden; Costa rehandles old tools; Jerry explains the importance of potassium; Tino shows how to control leaf curl & Jane prunes camellias."
"Costa visits a productive garden full of great ideas; Jerry cares for some colourful bromeliads; Angus assesses the deep stem planting technique; Josh plants passionfruit and Jane is inspired by cloud pruning."
"John shows how to achieve pleasing plant combinations; Costa visits a heritage home and garden; Sophie is planting colourful local natives; Josh helps out a struggling balcony gardener; and Jerry combats black aphids."
"Spring has sprung and Gardening Australia's first episode for spring is jam-packed with practical, easy to digest advice from our experts."
"Sophie meets citrus expert, Ian Tolley; Josh explores a WA native plant expert's garden; Tino's planting strawberries, beans and leafy greens; Costa has tips for worm farm success; and Angus shows how to prune hedges."
"Jane shows how to espalier; Angus shows how to choose the best plants from a nursery; Costa explores the unique flora of North Head; Jerry is planting Asian herbs; Sophie profiles tomatillos and Tino prunes olives."
"Costa visits a quirky Bondi verge garden; Tino plants a range of edible tubers; John explains how to use microclimates to grow more plants; and Angus looks at our most iconic species, the wattles."
"Jane checks out a mass planting of daffodils; Costa is planting edible aquatic plants; Tino shows how to pack vegies into a small space; Jerry is in a lush subtropical garden; and our team answer spring gardening questions."
"Costa hits the rush hour streets and gives desk bound, stressed out city slickers pots of mental health to brighten up their day and their office. We look at the healthy benefits of greening our neglected urban spaces."
"Josh gets his tomatoes off to a great start; Costa explores a bird-friendly garden; John looks at designing for kids; Angus visits a massed wildflower display; and tips on growing potatoes from the grocery store."
"Jane explores a garden made of recycled materials; Costa is in a diverse native garden; Josh plants up productive pots; Tino shows how to look after mail order plants; & Sophie talks kale varieties."
"Costa revisits the Gordon family to help plant their fruit forest; Josh is getting the garden prepared for summer heat; Sophie explores a beautiful country garden & Tino is planting a range of bountiful summer vegetables."
"Angus visits a native botanic garden; Costa visits a specialist perennial nursery; and we meet Victoria Museum entomologist, Ken Walker."
"Costa explores a courtyard garden; Jerry looks at scrub turkey deterrents; Sophie plants subtropical spices in pots; Tino gives the backyard a facelift; Jane meets chef & avid gardener Matt Wilkinson."
Season 27 - Gardening Australia
"Tino plants a range of brassicas; Sophie showcases plants that attract beneficial insects to her garden; Costa visits a harbourside garden & Josh explores a new arid species garden in Kings Park."
"Jane visits a quirky and creative garden; Costa meets horticultural legend Ben Swane; Sophie gets tips on growing citrus in containers; and John Patrick explains the design elements of his own garden."
"Jane prunes native plants; Costa showcases three purple plants; Sophie visits a relaxed formal garden; Tino gets stuck into planting greens and we meet a passionate Queensland plant ecologist."
"Jane meets photographer Simon Griffiths who shows off his Kyneton garden; Josh replaces heat-affected fruit trees; Angus explains what clues to collect to identify plants & Costa dyes Easter eggs."
"Tino demonstrates how to cultivate alliums, Costa explores Vaucluse House, Sophie meets a couple who inherited a dahlia collection, and a tattoo artist shows how she creates a botanical work of art."
"Angus visits a pool turned into an aquatic wonderland; Costa offers composting tips; Jane explores a nurseryman's garden and Josh spruces up his native beds."
"Jerry explores a tropical cottage garden; Tino prunes berries for a bumper crop; John visits a refurbished fern gully garden; and Sophie creates succulent spheres."
"Jane explores the new courtyard gardens at the Shrine of Remembrance; Costa meets a passionate fig farmer; Josh visits a contemporary courtyard garden and we meet an expert bromeliad grower."
"Costa explores a large Queensland hillside garden; Sophie demonstrates three easy soil tests; John explores a historical, scientific garden and Jerry profiles unique edible perennials."
"Tino plants winter legumes; Angus explores a colourful Sydney garden; Costa overhauls a vegetable garden and Sophie plants spring-flowering bulbs."
"Tino visits an expert perennial grower; Josh plants winter staples in the vegie garden; Jane meets a couple with a pint-sized garden; and Costa explores newly landscaped gardens at the RSPCA in NSW."
"Costa visits a productive plot; John explores a French-styled garden; Josh plants a wildflower meadow; Sophie shows off windbreak plants; and Jane checks out a cyclamen collection."
"Jerry visits Government House; Sophie chooses plants for wildlife; we see the winning show gardens at MIFGS; and Josh visits a unique and romantic garden."
"It's the first week of winter! Costa shows how to keep backyard chooks happy; Jane visits a stunning Victorian garden; Tino shows winter weeding strategies and Sophie preps plants for frosty weather."
"Costa visits a historic garden in the Blue Mountains National Park; Josh checks out a compost making facility; Angus offers native alternatives to exotic favourites and Jerry visits an orchid grower."
"Jerry visits an orchid show; Costa constructs a wicking bed; Sophie explores Beaumont House gardens; and Tino shows how to nurture citrus over winter in cold climates."
"Josh revists a Gardener of the Year; Tino conducts a strawberry experiment; Costa shows how to encourage worms; and Angus profiles native limes."
"Sophie visits an organic apple farm; John explains what to look for in a plant pot; Costa meets Sydney University's community garden students; and Jerry explores a Queensland heathland."
"Tino visits a colourful garden, Sophie gets stuck into pruning, Costa visits an award winning garden, Angus profiles native groundcovers and we meet a botanical photographic artist."
"Tino shows how to control rainfall on sloped ground; Costa explores a collector's garden; Josh shares his personal horticultural journey and John visits a small, native, inner-city garden."
"Jane visits an expansive garden in Victoria, Costa shows us an easy technique for creating compost, Tino shows us how to select the best seedlings, Angus checks out council's way of dealing with potentially hazardous trees."
"Costa visits an old bowling club that has transformed into a community hub, Jane makes kokedama, John explains when to water indoor plants in winter & Josh drops in on a couple to check out their secluded private garden."
"Sophie explores a colourful Mediterranean garden; Costa discovers the wonderful world of lichen; Tino has a great DIY glass cloche-making project and Jerry meets a nature lover who has discovered a new species of mangrove."
"Tino maintains his lawn; John meets a South African garden designer; Costa prunes camellias; Josh visits a large Perth hills garden; and Sophie profiles aloes."
"Tino demonstrates easy grafting techniques; John explores a natural playground; Josh gives indoor plants TLC; and Costa visits a community rooftop garden."
"Costa learns about chocolate; Jane visits an enormous restaurant kitchen garden; Tino feeds the soil; Jerry propagates Elephant's Foot Yam and we follow Sophie's path to Gardening Australia presenter."
"Angus visits Elizabeth Farm; Jerry explores an expansive FNQ garden; Josh check out an innovative green space; Sophie plants Asian Greens and Costa creates the perfect compost ingredient."
"Jane visits Melbourne Zoo's butterfly house; Costa explores a quirky garden; Angus explains how to establish plants and Tino gets inspired by small-scale farming."
"Josh explores a Margaret River property; John creates a native pot garden; Costa visits an inner-city garden; Sophie plants in garden bed gaps; we meet a botanical sculptor; Jerry profiles an unusual plant."
"Costa visits a romantic public garden; Tino plants the humble spud; Jerry explores a plant collector's garden; Jane talks camellia hedges; and Josh discovers how coffee can grow mushrooms."
"Tino demonstrates layering; Sophie explores a garden inspired by world travels; Angus sees just what can be achieved in a garden in two years; and John visits a geological garden."
"Josh explores an inspiring bush-style garden; Tino plants spring greens; Jane demonstrates planting seed; Costa checks out colourful spring plants; and we visit a landscape designer's suburban oasis."
"Jane learns about temperate orchids; Costa makes a compost spinner; Jerry explores a garden with old-fashioned favourites and Angus checks out a native plant breeding program."
"Tino demonstrates ancient gardening techniques; Josh visits a property restored with indigenous flora; Costa pops in to the Sydney TAFE garden & we explore a fascinating museum at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens."
"John visits a city garden; Sophie shows how to create a tropically inspired garden in a temperate climate; Tino explores a romantic garden; Costa shows off a succulent collection & Angus looks at native mints."
"Tino plants tomatoes; Costa deals with mozzies in the garden; John profiles native Christmas trees; Jerry explores a garden brimming with equatorial plants; and Sophie plants gifts that keep on giving."
Season 28 - Gardening Australia
"Back for a new series Costa explores the garden of landscaper Michael Bates; Sophie looks at tough & beautiful silver foliaged plants; Tino introduces the people behind The Patch; Jerry explains the functions of flowers."
"Sophie makes some wicking beds; Costa & new presenter, Millie, build a garden path; Jane visits a charity that grows produce to make meals for the needy & Jerry visits a garden nestled in the Sunshine Coast hinterland."
"Jerry shows us a variety of anthuriums; Dr. Greg Moore explains the benefits of trees in the city; Sophie creates living mulch; Costa explores the plants in a lemur enclosure & Josh visits a garden with hardy plants & mosaics."
"Jane explores a house filled with hundreds of indoor plants; Angus visits the stunning garden of late journalist Richard Carleton; Millie shows us how to grow a leafy lounge; Costa splits a native beehive at his old school."
"Costa visits a Sydney harbourside garden; Sophie gets stuck into some autumn jobs; Jerry explores a Japanese garden; and Jane shows us the benefits of inorganic mulch."
"Costa introduces Gardening Australia's guest presenter, Indira Naidoo; Sophie explores an English-style garden in Clare; Josh shows us how his garden is evolving; and Jane creates gorgeous terrariums using native plants."
"In a one hour Easter special Costa dyes eggs & learns the horticultural history of chocolate; Sophie makes egghead seed pots; Tino visits a Tasmanian wildlife sanctuary; Millie makes a holiday herb basket."
"Costa explores the gardens of Parliament House; Sophie visits a stunning garden in the Coonawarra region; Tino plants autumn root vegetables & guest presenter Indira Naidoo sees a carpark transformed into a botanical paradise."
"Sophie visits an historic garden property in the Adelaide Hills, Costa and Jane help build a garden that is accessible to everyone, Angus explores Sydney's Barangaroo reserve, and Millie makes a cubby out of plants."
"Indira checks out an urban green wall garden; Costa explores the vibrant native plants of Mt Penang; Tino uses leftover garden waste to create hot compost & John visits an elegant garden filled with pockets of green spaces."
"Josh meets some volunteer gardeners who help the elderly; Tino makes a chilli pesticide; Costa explores native plants that are edible; Jerry Coleby-Williams talks about how his life revolves around plants."
"Millie shows how renters can quickly grow an established garden; John visits a garden with striking formal design; Indira explores a constructed wetland in Sydney; and Costa visits a community compost group."
"Jerry gives tips on picking a palm; Josh shows how to make the most of tight garden spaces; Costa visits a stunning Canberra garden; Sophie gives some horticultural haircuts and Tino grows a green manure crop."
"Jane explores a protea collection; Tino looks at trees with beautiful bark; Millie gets stuck into some winter jobs; Costa visits a Bondi garden verge; and we learn why flies are so important in the garden."
"Costa tries some tasty flowers; guest presenter Indira visits a rooftop hospital garden; John shares some tips for small gardens; Sophie makes a cute planter from a gourd; and Peter Cundall celebrates his 90th birthday."
"Jerry visits a PNG inspired garden; Jane meets a young couple with the gardening bug; Costa protects some plants with wildlife friendly netting; and a plant collector shows us some of his favourites."
"Tino visits an inspirational prison garden; Millie shows us how to fine-tune our potting mix; Josh fills his office with indoor plants; and Costa and guest presenter Indira visit a small but special community garden."
"Jane visits a clivia enthusiast and gets some propagating tips; Jerry shows us how he transformed his suburban block into a productive garden; and we join a young indigenous leader inspiring others to get to know the bush."
"Costa recommends some flowers for attracting bees into the garden; Millie propagates some plants to give away; John creates an attractive water feature and Josh visits an eclectic garden in the suburbs."
"Tino gets some tips on growing organic apples; Sophie builds an unusual home for native bees; Costa grows a tea garden and guest presenter Carolyn tells you where to start when creating a garden from scratch."
"Jerry meets a couple passionate about cycads; Costa visits an unconventional suburban garden; Millie plants some fruit trees and Jane shares her gardening story."
"Josh visits a magnificent forest; Sophie gets some rose-pruning advice from an expert; Costa helps out with some tree planting and guest presenter Carolyn Blackman shows us a garden designed for multiple uses."
"Jane visits a chestnut grove in the Victorian high country; Costa shows us some winter-flowering natives; Tino prunes some fruit trees and Jerry propagates some unusual edible perennial plants."
"Costa visits a scientist with an experimental garden; Tino helps out at an olive grove; guest presenter Carolyn explores the materials available for creating a garden & Millie salvages some second-hand plants."
"Josh meets a scientist unlocking the relationship between fire and native plants; Costa replenishes his verge garden; Jerry shares his technique for a perfect seed bed and we meet a passionate young orchid conservationist."
"Jerry visits a wildlife-friendly garden; guest presenter Carolyn explores a small garden that is big on ideas; Costa plants an edible hedge and Millie and Squid go hunting for truffles."
"Costa explores the power of the flower; Jane discovers a collector's garden; Sophie explores a garden bursting with spring bulbs; Tino gets stuck into spring sowing and we find out what to do in the garden this weekend."
"Jerry visits a formal native garden in Toowoomba; Costa & Sophie are at a community garden in Darwin; guest presenter Carolyn explains the importance of plants in design, and Josh helps Millie with a project in her garden."
"Josh shows us a tool to help gardeners identify pests; Sophie visits a couple who have thousands of roses in their beautiful collection; and Jane explores the world of native bonsai and shows you how to create one at home."
"Jane visits Australia's newest plant quarantine facility; Costa builds a home for his worms; Millie plants up her side garden; and we meet a couple who have dedicated their lives to Australia's native plants."
"Costa discovers a city oasis; Jane visits a spectacular garden in a harsh climate; Tino is planting natives in The Patch and Sophie visits a gardener raising endangered species in his back garden."
"Jane visits a gardening club that works with the local primary school; Jerry explores the wonderful world of euphorbias; Millie finds out how to raise the perfect seedling and we meet a nurseryman who restores wetlands."
"Costa visits an aged-care facility where chooks improve the well-being of residents; Jerry visits a spectacular garden where flowers even bloom in the shade; Sophie explores a native botanic garden for threatened species."
"Sophie and Costa help restore a piece of the NT; Josh visits a playground that was built in harmony with existing trees; Tino is visiting a spectacular rhododendron garden and Millie propagates plants from her kitchen."
"Costa meets an urban bee keeper; Jerry visits an aquatic plant nursery; Jane visits a garden designer in her eclectic garden, we meet a market gardener who loves his work and the presenters answer your questions."
"Costa restores the herb maze on his verge garden; Sophie visits a beautiful Mediterranean garden perfectly suited to the local climate; Jerry propagates plants & Tino gives his best tips for growing tomatoes."
Season 29 - Gardening Australia
"Costa visits a farm in the middle of Sydney; Jane explores the garden of Dame Nellie Melba; we meet indigenous author & historian Bruce Pascoe; Millie tackles a challenging courtyard; Tino shares his recipe for soil success."
"Costa and Sophie look at a project growing a new food crop in Darwin; Millie meets the landscape architect behind a wetland habitat garden; Josh looks at native plants for problem spots; Jerry propagates warm-season herbs."
"Costa and Jane enjoy a Tamil feast; Tino prepares a garden for a big party; Sophie discovers the botanicals used to make beauty products and we meet guest presenter Steven Wells, who creates healing gardens."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a plantsman's garden; Tino Carnevale and Millie Ross try some unusual vegie-growing containers; Josh Byrne shows how a storm drain became a park and Sophie Thomson gives an overview of her garden."
"Josh Byrne puts the finishing touches to his greenhouse project; Costa Georgiadis meets a generous footpath gardener; Jane Edmanson explores some fragrant foliage and Steven Wells visits a garden set up for families in need."
"Costa Georgiadis goes foraging for edible seaweed, Sophie Thomson visits an artist's garden, Tino Carnevale revels in autumn colour and Josh Byrne shows Millie Ross around his garden."
"Jane Edmanson visits some gardeners in the village created by designer Edna Walling; Costa Georgiadis meets four generations of a family sharing a garden in Geelong and Jerry Coleby-Williams shares a Gold Coast garden gem."
"After helping Millie Ross build a temporary shed, Costa Georgiadis makes za'atar pizza; Sophie Thomson plants a citrus orchard, Josh Byrne tastes some Aussie plants and Tino Carnevale explores slime moulds."
"Sophie Thomson explores the world of wormwoods, Millie Ross makes some seed bombs, Tino Carnevale explains crop rotation, and Jerry Coleby-Williams makes the ultimate vertical garden - an aquaponic green wall!"
"Costa meets guest presenter Paul West; Sophie weaves an egg basket; Millie visits a chicken expert; Josh explores a special school garden, and Jane heads to a nursery specialising in perennial plants."
"Tino Carnevale shares his family's passata-making tips; Millie Ross plants a cubby; Jane Edmanson meet young people whose lives have been changed by gardening and we explore the garden roles of bugs, guinea pigs and chooks."
"Jane Edmanson visits a home full of indoor plants; Costa Georgiadis finds a roof garden on a block of flats; Sophie Thomson builds a wicking bed; Tino Carnevale discovers Antarctic gardening; and Millie Ross grows a seat."
"Tino Carnevale helps build a veterans' garden; Jane Edmanson discovers the commemorative power of poppies; Costa Georgiadis gets cooking with chef Ben Shewry; and Sophie Thomson sees a pool transformed to a pond."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams explores a wildlife corridor, Jane Edmanson meets a dahlia fancier, Costa Georgiadis visits the Blue Mountains, and guest presenter Paul West cooks up a pumpkin treat."
"Sophie Thomson explores the origins of Adelaide's free food carts; Costa Georgiadis meets fresh food fan Dr Sandro Demaio from ABC's Ask The Doctor, and Josh Byrne visits the Perth garden of author Deryn Thorpe."
"Costa visits a high flier who has restored a garden in her down time; Tino Carnevale explores different types of garlic; Jane Edmanson plants three hanging baskets and guest presenter Paul West makes apple pancakes."
"In our Stargazing special, Jerry Coleby-Williams explores what's happening in his garden at night; Millie Ross builds a box to welcome microbats; and Josh Byrne builds some covers to keep cats off his vegie patch at night."
"Tino Carnevale meets friends who met via a garden program, Costa Georgiadis builds a frog bog at a preschool, Sophie Thomson meets volunteers who have replanted a woodland and Jerry Coleby-Williams looks at volunteer plants."
"To celebrate winter Costa explores a space-saving garden, Sophie Thomson visits a carbon offset forest, Jane Edmanson finds some rare plants, Tino Carnevale plants ornamental veg, and Millie Ross builds a chook house."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams harvests sugar-bag honey, Costa Georgiadis explores a green industrial site, Jane Edmanson visits a garden for outdoor living, Tino Carnevale has a clean up, and Millie Ross plants four-season colour."
"Millie Ross shares her tips for gardeners who rent, Costa Georgiadis visits a family who make the most of their tiny space, Josh Byrne meets a legend of botany and Jane Edmanson explores an inspiring Gippsland garden."
"Josh Byrne takes us on a tour of WA's best wildflowers, Sophie Thomson visits a date farm, Millie Ross & Squid go hunting for truffles and Tino Carnevale checks out the giant pumpkins at an old-style country show."
"Millie Ross suggests Aussie plants to grow indoors, Costa Georgiadis discovers some rare camellias, Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a Tillandsia expert and Jane Edmanson discovers great food can be grown in tough spaces."
"Costa Georgiadis visits chef Peter Gilmore's garden, Sophie Thomson plants summer-flowering bulbs, Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests onion substitutes for sub-tropical gardeners, and Jane Edmanson explores a native garden."
"Millie Ross meets an artist who creates cultural works with plants, Costa Georgiadis visits Clarence Slockee in his garden, Jerry Coleby-Williams shows different ways to propagate, and Josh Byrne plants out a wetzone."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a garden of old-fashioned plants, Josh Byrne explores an art display that questions our ideas of weeds, Sophie Thomson meets a nut tree expert and Tino Carnevale has tips for newbie gardeners."
"Millie Ross and Costa Georgiadis learn how to read the plants in Kakadu, Jane Edmanson admires some winter magnolias, Josh Byrne shows how to keep your vegie patch productive, and Tino Carnevale gets some tips on grafting."
"Sophie Thomson gets a master class in pruning wisteria, Jane Edmanson pots up winter-flowering natives, Costa Georgiadis meets an urban farmer, Millie Ross plants a berry patch and Tino Carnevale makes a propagation unit."
"Josh Byrne explores a water-cleaning wetland, Jane Edmanson meets a chef who hates waste, Costa Georgiadis sees how plant pots are recycled, and Millie Ross meets a team saving coffee grounds from the tip."
"Jane Edmanson explores the wonders of Lord Howe Island, Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a man breeding the perfect purple corn, Millie Ross has some mid-season crop solutions, and Sophie Thomson is being a plant detective."
"Jane Edmanson meets Lord Howe Island's weed team, Jerry Coleby-Williams shows how to grow bananas, Costa Georgiadis meets a family of camellia growers, and Josh Byrne finds a garden at his local intensive care unit."
"Costa Georgiadis is at Queensland's Garden Expo, Tino Carnevale plants a 3D patch, Josh Byrne picks some native groundcovers, Sophie Thomson describes her more unusual vegetables, and we meet a man who only grows peonies."
"Jane Edmanson plants a bed for summer cut flowers, Millie Ross meets a woman devoted to saving an endangered plant, Costa Georgiadis visits an unusual farm in Byron Bay, and Josh Byrne explores hectares of hidden tulips."
"Jane Edmanson meets a bonsai artist who grows native trees, Josh Byrne suggests some tiny eucalypts, Sophie Thomson discovers an Aussie shrub that keeps pests off lettuces and Clarence Slockee shares his top bush herbs."
"Tino Carnevale shares his tips for perfect soil, Josh Byrne sets up his garden for tomatoes, Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a tropical fruit expert, and Sophie Thomson plants a herb garden to complement her outdoor pizza oven."
"Costa Georgiadis decorates his beard for Canberra's Floriade; Jerry Coleby-Williams gets the low-down on growing passionfruit; Tino Carnevale visits a Gondwana-themed garden and Millie Ross visits a garden designer at home."
"Costa Georgiadis meets a designer who sees beauty in imperfection, Millie Ross builds a no-dig vegie bed, Josh Byrne explores the plants of WA's ironstone ranges, and Jerry Coleby-Williams meets sub-tropical rose growers."
"Josh Byrne meets a team of young urban gardeners, Jane Edmanson explores an inner-city courtyard, Tino Carnevale builds a range of supports for summer vegetables and Millie Ross converts a container for alpine plants."
"Sophie Thomson meets the outback growers bringing native bush foods to the nation, Tino Carnevale shows different ways to prune cherry trees, and Jane Edmanson cooks vegetable dumplings with gardening chef Angie Chong."
"We meet Invictus Games rider Peter Rudland, who finds therapy in bonsai; Jane Edmanson visits an iris show, Millie Ross has tips on picking the best seedlings and Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests some unusual perfumed plants."
"We tour the gardens of five finalists for the 2018 Gardener of the Year award. Costa Georgiadis solves inner-city problems in Leigh Sales' garden. Millie Ross shows how to make seeding pots from newspaper."
"In the final episode for 2018 Costa visits garden designer Paul Bangay; Sophie Thomson meets school kitchen gardener Stephanie Alexander, Jane Edmanson checks out kentia palms, and Millie Ross starts a vegie bed from scratch."
Season 30 - Gardening Australia
"Jane Edmanson goes farming on Lord Howe Island, Millie Ross discovers the secret lives of sunflowers, Tino Carnevale offers solutions for sloping gardens, and Josh Byrne plants semi-tropical edibles on his sunny deck area."
"Sophie Thomson meets a city gardener leading the good life, Jane Edmanson visits a floral haven in the hills, Jerry Coleby-Williams is on St Helena island and Costa Georgiadis explores a garden created for kids to go wild."
"The Gardening Australia team celebrates the show's 30th birthday in one of Australia's most iconic gardens, on the Mornington Peninsula, to celebrate the colour, characters and compost that make Australian gardening great."
"Costa Georgiadis rescues some sick-looking indoor plants, Jane Edmanson discovers the many benefits of salvias, Millie Ross shows how to keep worms happy, and we meet our new guest presenter, permaculturist Hannah Maloney."
"Costa Georgiadis gets an experts top turf tips, Sophie Thomson visits a garden designed for time-poor gardeners, Paul West cooks up a storm in a school kitchen garden, and we meet a collage artist with a passion for nature."
"Sophie Thomson gets a visit from a butterfly expert, Costa Georgiadis and Millie Ross travels to west Arnhem land, Josh Byrne dives into a seagrass revegetation project and Jerry Coleby-Williams talks Cats claw creepers."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a bushland botanic gardens, Millie Ross looks at climbing plants, Tino Carnevale shares tool tips, Josh Byrne explores an inspiring revegetation project and we meet a passionate frog expert."
"Sophie Thomson creates a lizard friendly habitat, Tino Carnevale plants celery, Josh Byrne meets carnivorous plants native to WA, Costa Georgiadis drops into a kitchen garden in Kakadu and we meet a eucalypt aficionado."
"Clarence Slockee explores a Grevillea garden, Millie Ross shares companion planting tips, Costa Georgiadis visits a creative small garden, Jane Edmanson explores a seaside garden and Tino Carnevale shares his gardening story."
"Jane Edmanson pops into a historic homestead garden, Sophie Thompson learns how to build a bandicoot bungalow, Tino Carnevale enjoys the Autumn colour in Tassie and we meet a passionate propagator of Wollemi pines."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a champion hibiscus grower, Costa Georgiadis starts his backyard pool to pond conversion, Jane Edmanson shows us how to propagate indoor plants and we explore the wonderful world of fungi."
"Costa Georgiadis explores an urban farm giving city kids a country experience, Sophie Thomson and her girls do some crafty flower pressing and Millie Ross drops in on a small suburban garden bursting with plants and quails."
"As a part of our 30th Birthday celebrations, we are diving into the archives to revisit our presenters favourite stories from over the years."
"We are celebrating our 30th Birthday with another dive into the archives! We are looking back on some of the most popular \"My Garden Path\" series in an exploration of gardens, gardeners and plant lovers alike."
"Tino Carnevale visits a prize-winning Chrysanthemum grower, Costa Georgiadis checks out a rooftop garden oasis, Josh Byrne cracks native seed germination and Jane Edmanson looks at some native plants made for the shade."
"Josh Byrne learns about native bees in the suburbs, Jane Edmanson heads to a historic Hydrangea garden, Sophie Thomson visits a garden adapted with accessibility in mind and Tino Carnevale plants a soup bed at The Patch."
"Millie Ross revamps a challenging garden bed, Josh Byrne meets composting entrepreneur, Jerry Coleby-Williams visits an Aroid addict and Jane Edmanson celebrates Botanic Gardens Day with a trip to Geelong's Botanic Garden."
"Tino Carnevale tinkers with some spicy crops, Jane Edmanson explores an inner city walled garden, Josh Byrne learns about terrestrial orchid propagation and Clarence Slockee shares some native food plants perfect for pots."
"Sophie Thomson meets a caper cultivator, Costa Georgiadis learns about a composting critter, Guest Presenter Hannah Maloney helps a young couple blitz their backyard and Tino Carnevale visits a 'sub-tropical' Hobart garden."
"Sophie Thomson goes behind the scenes at a rose farm, Jane Edmanson rejuvenates potted plants, Costa Georgiadis visits a plant loving couple and we meet a landscape architect behind some of Australia's most iconic gardens."
"Sophie Thomson visits an exotic sunken garden, Jerry-Coleby Williams checks out Queensland's biggest bromeliad show, Costa Georgiadis visits a citrus orchard and Jane Edmanson visits a farm helping to feed new migrants."
"Jane Edmanson and Millie Ross help create a garden, Costa Georgiadis visits a knockout flower display, Tino Carnevale shares tips for picking bare rooted plants and Sophie Thomson shares her favourite winter flowers."
"Jane Edmanson visits a stunning winter garden, Costa Georgiadis heads to a salon cutting hair but growing plants, Tino Carnevale checks out an organic farm and Millie Ross turns fallen leaves into garden gold."
"Clarence Slockee shares some traditional land management techniques, Millie Ross visits the work of a Taungurung artist, Tino Carnevale plants native edibles at The Patch and Costa Georgiadis meets a D'harawal Elder."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a thrifty workspace garden, Sophie Thomson explores pint sized conifers, Clarence Slockee visits an urban farm growing food and jobs and Jane Edmanson explores a diverse native bush garden."
"Jane Edmanson rids her plants of fungus gnats, Josh Byrne explores bushland in Kalgoorlie, Sophie Thomson visits a farm putting community first and Costa Georgiadis meets a women who changed her life through gardening."
"Tino Carnevale goes behind the scenes at The Patch, Jane Edmanson visits a couple's iconic greenhouse, Josh Byrne meets an Australian horticultural legend and we meet two inspirational floral designers."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams explores plants with taste for metal, Jane Edmanson visits a garden celebrating Victoria's flora, Costa Georgiadis explores carnivorous plants and Sophie Thomson visits a botanist's dog-friendly garden."
"Clarence Slockee visits a state park managed for its cultural value, Tino Carnevale learns some top care tips for Begonia's, Millie Ross meets a man who crafts his own gardening tools and Sophie Thomson makes seed tape."
"Millie Ross harnesses the power of a hot compost, Sophie Thomson gets espalier tips from an expert, Jane Edmanson revisits a stunning native garden and we meet a landscape designer with an iconic style."
"Costa Georgiadis joins a school's celebration of a 30-year commitment to the local landscape, Millie Ross builds a blooming letterbox, Josh Byrne meets a teenage bee keeper and we visit a tulip farm bursting with blooms."
"Sophie Thomson shares tips for maximising spring colour, Tino Carnevale visits a garden with a bright future, Costa Georgiadis visits an inner-city balcony garden and Josh Byrne improves sandy soil."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a traditional Italian family farm, Millie Ross builds a strawberry tower, Sophie Thomson shares tips for seedling care and Clarence Slockee visits a school with gardening on the curriculum."
"We remember Peter Cundall's emotional trip to a memorial garden, Jane Edmanson visits an urban meadow, Josh Byrne explores WA's wildflowers, and Sophie Thomson frames pictures of succulents."
"Sophie Thomson revisits an innovative house and creative garden, Jane Edmanson calls in on musician Rusty Berther, Josh Byrne builds a garden seat, and Tino Carnevale shares tips for keeping rainwater on a steep block."
"Tino Carnevale starts a patch at his new home, Jane Edmanson reveals the secrets of planting a floral clock, Sophie Thomson shares her favourite vertical veggies and we meet a conservationist growing plants for cassowaries."
"Costa Georgiadis and Sophie Thomson visit neighbours who grow food together, Tino Carnevale shares tips on fern care, Jane Edmanson visits the Kevin Heinze community garden and Millie Ross tastes some edible succulents."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a young couples rooftop garden, Sophie Thomson explores wild roses, Jane Edmanson visits a family's hobby farm, Millie Ross goes bird watching and Tino Carnevale is planting his favourite tomatoes."
"Jane Edmanson shares her top tips for beginners at the nursery, Josh Byrne does some essential maintenance on his climbing plants and we visit host of ABC TV's Dream Gardens, Michael McCoy."
"Millie Ross is at a sprawling garden bursting with spring colour, Josh Byrne visits a winery living the paddock to plate dream, Tino Carnevale plants pulses and grains at The Patch and Sophie Thomson makes natural confetti."
"Clarence Slockee meets a local gardening legend in Kiama, Costa Georgiadis drops into the trial garden at the Sydney Botanic Gardens, Jane Edmanson plants out three productive pots and Millie Ross explores sub-alpine flora."
"Josh Byrne visits a nature-play group uniting young and old, Jerry Coleby-Williams investigates critically endangered wild macadamia trees and Millie Ross meets the canine star of an important weed eradication program."
Season 31 - Gardening Australia
"Costa Georgiadis visits the home of permaculture, Sophie Thomson visits waterside accommodation for native bees, Tino Carnevale prunes stone fruit at The Patch and we explore Bundjalung country with Clarence Slockee."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a farming club for city kids, Sophie Thomson gets summer watering tips from an expert, Tino Carnevale explores the secret world of saltmarshes and Josh Byrne propagates succulents."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a rental garden brimming with Aussie native plants in pots, Josh Byrne learns how a native marsupial is regenerating its plant filled habitat, Sophie Thomson visits an artist's stunning home garden."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams explores a restored mangrove wetland, Costa Georgiadis visits a wheat farm, Tino Carnevale meets a gardener just shy of 100 and we meet a creative duo capturing plants in stunning detail."
"Sophie Thomson meets two women inspired by Kangaroo Island's native flora, Jane Edmanson meets two young female horticulturists working in an historic garden and Costa Georgiadis has fun with frogs and turtles."
"Sophie Thomson meets a productive gardener on Kangaroo Island, Tino Carnevale visits the home garden of a botanists, Josh Byrne demystifies greywater and we meet Claire Hooper, a comedian with a horticultural background."
"Sophie Thomson visits a eucalyptus oil farm, Costa Georgiadis reworks a banana circle, Tino Carnevale explores a home-grown arboretum, and we visit the home of an interior stylist whose indoor plant collection will amaze you."
"Jane Edmanson revives indoor orchids, Millie Ross visits a sky-high garden, Clarence Slockee meets volunteering native plant enthusiasts and Sophie Thomson explores a horticulturalist's home plant collection."
"Costa Georgiadis discovers new life in a fire affected landscape, Jane Edmanson visits a garden celebrating perennial plants, Millie Ross plants flavour packed produce and Tino Carnevale explores a saffron farm."
"Jane Edmanson explores the plants behind our favourite Easter treats, Josh Byrne visits a home garden celebrating native WA plants and Sophie Thomson discovers how a revegetation project is uniting a neighbourhood."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a clever and productive small space, Josh Byrne prepares his garden for cooler weather, Millie Ross visits the home of chef Rosa Mitchell and Tino Carnevale plants, prunes and harvests feijoas."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams shares tips for growing unfamiliar plants, Costa Georgiadis visits a tulip-lovers garden, Tino Carnevale learns how to easily preserve vegetables and Sophie Thomson manages fire-affected fruit trees."
"Millie Ross gets stuck into autumn propagation, Sophie Thomson swings into a professional tree climbing competition, Josh Byrne showcases the tools behind his productive patch and we meet a pair of tropical plant collectors."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a garden bringing a community together, Jane Edmanson showcases plants with bold colours, Sophie Thomson creates a potted herb garden and we meet two textile designers inspired by Australian flora."
"Tino Carnevale learns to propagate ferns, Millie Ross visits a town bursting with free food, Jane Edmanson discovers the magic of moths and Costa Georgiadis drops into a private cacti collection that's about to go public."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams checks out a successful wildlife corridor, Sophie Thomson visits a farm growing botanicals for beauty products, Tino Carnevale demonstrates crop rotation and Jane Edmanson makes a kokedama."
"Costa Georgiadis meets GA presenter Clarence Slockee at a native rooftop farm, Jane Edmanson explores a patch of highly endangered grassland and we meet Yindjibarndi artist Katie West to explore her plant-based art practice."
"Millie Ross visits a community growing plants for koalas, Sophie Thomson explores a heathland hideaway, Jerry Coleby-Williams shares his favourite protein packed plants and Costa Georgiadis gives old garden tools new life."
"Clarence Slockee visits an herbalist's home garden, Costa Georgiadis drops by the home of former GA presenter Mary Moody, Jane Edmanson discovers the art of hedging and Tino Carnevale visits a garden designed for wildlife."
"Sophie Thomson visits a protea flower farm, Jerry Colby-Williams gets tips from an expert orchid grower, Jane Edmanson tackles citrus gall wasp and Costa Georgiadis sees how growing food brings people together."
"Costa Georgiadis joins a crew conserving coastal dunes, Jane Edmanson explores a native suburban garden, Sophie Thomson propagates wisteria vines and Josh Byrne explores water wise palms."
"Costa Georgiadis meets an inspiring gardener, Tino Carnevale sows spring crops indoors, Josh Byrne visits a landscape designer, Jane Edmanson visits a stunning garden in rural Victoria and Millie Ross builds a garden bench."
"Sophie Thomson asks an expert rose pruner to share his techniques, Costa Georgiadis creates a worm hotel from a bathtub, Josh Byrne builds an edible water feature, and Jerry Coleby-Williams learns the A-Z of passionfruit."
"Josh Byrne gives his tomatoes a head start, Tino Carnevale discovers some living plant fossils, Costa Georgiadis visits a super-productive small garden, and Jane Edmanson explores an amazing succulent garden."
"Costa learns why acacias are good in gardens, Jane explores a wildflower hotspot, Tino Carnevale shares his potato-growing tips, and Jerry Coleby-Williams meets some aerial gardeners, the flying foxes."
"Costa gives a compost masterclass, Jane tours a tiny food garden, Tino Carnevale attracts more wildlife neighbours, and Sophie Thomson meets a group who have taken their love of gardening to the streets."
"Costa Georgiadis tours a colourful bromeliad garden, Millie Ross meets some fungi farmers, Tino Carnevale plants a wildlife corridor, and Josh Byrne shows how to make the most of a garden's vertical space."
"Costa Georgiadis meets a family of orchid hunters, Josh Byrne discovers a simple hydroponics system, Jerry Coleby-Williams explores a world of colourful plants, and Clarence Slockee visits a garden full of grevilleas."
"Sophie Thomson visits an Adelaide garden inspired by royalty; Costa Georgiadis explores the wildflowers around Sydney; Tino Carnevale shares some soil wisdom; Millie shows you can plant into pretty much anything."
"We launch our series covering all you need to know about indoor plants; Josh Byrne on how to find room for more plants; Millie Ross transforms her lawn into lunch; Tino Carnevale shows how to learn from your weeds."
"Jane Edmanson has the low-down on native groundcovers, Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests sub-tropical options for traditional veg, Costa Georgiadis meets two Lane Cove legends, and Millie Ross builds a harvest basket."
"For bird week, Josh Byrne shows how to help nesting birds and Millie Ross makes a birdbath. Tino Carnevale plants an olive grove and Costa Georgiadis meets a woman with some smart ways to growing vegies on her balcony."
"Josh Byrne gets tips from a thriving family garden, Jane Edmanson discovers stunning rhododendrons, and Costa Georgiadis visits a community garden using permaculture principles."
"Millie Ross shows how to garden on a shoestring, Clarence Slockee explores the world of Myrtles, Tino Carnevale grows eggplant and capsicums, and guest presenter Craig Miller-Randle perfects the art of watering indoor plants."
"Tino Carnevale visits a colourful iris garden, Jane Edmanson profiles attractive edibles, Costa Georgiadis visits a revamped native swamp, Millie Ross meets inspiring women connecting community by growing native foods."
"Jane Edmanson profiles natives for the cottage garden, Costa Georgiadis finds a secret suburban greenwall, Tino Carnevale creates useful biochar, Guest Presenter Craig Miller-Randle handles indoor pests and diseases."
"Sophie Thomson profiles natural pest control, Costa Georgiadis shares watering wisdom to give the perfect drop, Tino Carnevale visits a town of topiaries, Jane Edmanson goes knee-deep into the world of water lilies."
"Jane Edmanson gives a fertiliser masterclass, Jerry Coleby-Williams shares seed saving advice, Josh Byrne finds a superb verge garden, Costa Georgiadis visits a nursery growing opportunities for people of all abilities."
"Guest presenter Hannah Maloney introduces her gorgeous goats, Millie Ross learns the art of fermentation, Tino Carnevale visits a grand country garden, and guest presenter Craig Miller-Randle propagates indoor plants."
"Gardening Australia celebrates gardening as an antidote to the challenges we have faced this year. We find out how the nursery industry kept up with demand and what exciting new projects you've been working on at home!"
Season 32 - Gardening Australia
"Tino Carnevale visits a clever garden masterpiece, Jane Edmanson meets city-living bees, Millie Ross has the low down on garden tools, and Costa finds out what goes into maintaining an iconic Sydney landscape."
"Jane Edmanson visits a perennial paradise, Clarence Slockee has a native plant for every situation, Tino Carnevale gives a manure masterclass, Millie Ross meets a botanic garden team dedicated to protecting wildlife."
"Millie Ross visits an indigenous plant propagation expert, Costa Georgiadis creates a polystyrene palace for worms, Jerry Coleby-Williams dives into the war on weeds, and Jane Edmanson visits a fruitful family farm."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams has tips for living with possums, Millie Ross celebrates our love of pears, Josh Byrne grows colourful natives in pots, and Guest Presenter Luke Mitchell joins us with a lesson on restoring old tools."
"Jane Edmanson visits a local legend's natural oasis, Costa Georgiadis meets mini mammal pollinators, Tino Carnevale has seed saving secrets, Jerry Coleby-Williams checks out a shop growing fresh food with aquaponics."
"Clarence Slockee meets a team combining bush care and music, Sophie Thomson makes native bee hotels, Costa Georgiadis explores a wildflower meadow, and Guest Presenter Luke Mitchell has a lesson on wooden tool restoration."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests unusual indoor plants, Costa Georgiadis visits a nursery helping migrants, Clarence Slockee meets a family who started gardening in lockdown and Jane Edmanson gets a taste for edible flowers."
"Costa Georgiadis meets students planting bee-friendly highways, Jane Edmanson learns how to create a healing garden space, Millie Ross shows how to grow great garlic, and Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a living legend."
"Costa Georgiadis builds a new garden bed, Sophie Thompson meets a Philodendron fanatic, Tino Carnevale demonstrates different ways to support plants, and guest presenter Luke Mitchell shows how to care for secateurs."
"Costa Georgiadis learns to love spiders, Sophie Thompson shows there's no such thing as garden waste, Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a Toowoomba garden designed for wildlife, and we meet the first family of Bromeliad growers."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a beautiful, productive rental garden, Millie Ross explores a cool-climate display garden, Jane Edmanson finds green space in the city, and guest presenter Luke Mitchell fixes outdoor furniture."
"Sophie Thomson visits an Adelaide garden with a tropical feel, Tino Carnevale meets a microfarmer getting big results, Josh Byrne prunes native plants, and Jane Edmanson explores the edible public gardens of Dandenong."
"Millie Ross creates a water feature, Tino Carnevale visits an outdoor climate classroom, Sophie Thomson tours a lavender farm, and Jane Edmanson explores a cleverly designed inner-city space."
"Costa visits a magnificent heritage garden in the highlands, Jane Edmanson explains flower shapes, Millie Ross explores some pocket reserves that are full of tiny treasures, and Jerry Coleby-Williams shares his love of figs."
"Costa Georgiadis tries some tasty plant-based drinks, Jane Edmanson explores a garden and wildlife wonderland, Millie Ross makes a gate, and Tino Carnevale tidies up The Patch's Tassie tucker bed."
"Millie Ross meets a chef drawing on his culture to create distinctive dishes, Jerry Coleby-Williams revisits a delightfully individual garden, and Clarence Slockee meets a pair keen to promote their local plants."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams suggests subtropical plants for winter colour, Costa Georgiadis explores a unique house that is designed to feed it residents, Sophie Thomson gets grafting, and Josh Byrne learns about garden nightlife."
"Costa meets city gardeners who are taking it to the street, Millie shows how to plant mature trees, Josh explores a protea paradise and Jane finds a garden fence that's as pretty as a picture."
"Sophie Thomson visits a gospel church group growing maize, Josh Byrne builds a 'hotel' for frogs, Clarence Slockee grows native plants in hanging baskets and Jane Edmanson shares her tips on pruning citrus."
"Costa Georgiadis meets the Wollemi Pine saviours, Sophie Thomson is on Kangaroo Island, Clarence Slockee joins a wildlife rescue group, Josh Byrne explores a garden designed to resist fire, and we meet a cultural burn team."
"Costa Georgiadis learns how to make a kokedama, Sophie Thomson visits a flower farm in the Adelaide Hills, Jane Edmanson shows us around her own courtyard garden and Millie Ross makes a portable potting bench. (Return)"
"Costa Georgiadis finds cherry blossoms in Sydney, Millie Ross discovers the plants of the Victorian Goldfields, Jerry Coleby-Williams takes a deep dive into turmeric and ginger and Tino Carnevale grows spuds the easy way."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a tranquil family retreat, Josh Byrne meets a community of verge gardeners, Jerry Coleby-Williams tours Toowoomba's famous rose garden and Jane Edmanson discovers stunning cool climate classics."
"Jane Edmanson takes a look at clematis, Tino Carnevale visits a Hobart market gardener, Jerry Coleby-Williams gets the inside scoop on potting mix, Josh Byrne tours an indoor jungle, and Millie Ross gets set up for spring."
"Costa Georgiadis explores an extensive Sydney garden, Clarence Slockee looks at new release plants, Tino Carnevale learns how to grow tea, and Sophie Thomson visits a bamboo orchard planted for pandas."
"Sophie Thomson visits an extensive native garden, Tino Carnevale talks pest management, Costa & Caylee make plant labels, Josh Byrne visits a lush suburban garden and Guest Presenter Hannah Moloney plants a raspberry patch."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a city garden; Jane looks at succulents; Costa Georgiadis learns about bushfire recovery; Sophie Thomson visits an historic garden; Josh Byrne explores a winery; We meet farmer Palisa Anderson."
"Sophie Thomson visits an edible garden feeding a family, Jane Edmanson is weeding out invasive karamu, Clarence Slockee visits a green learning space, and Guest Presenter Caylee is back to create bottle planters with Costa."
"Costa Georgiadis makes garlands: Jane Edmanson gives beginner tips; Sophie Thomson learns about bushfood; Jerry Coleby-Williams identifies bugs; Millie Ross finds a rare plant; guest Palisa Anderson tastes tropical fruits."
"Tino Carnevale meets a dietitian gardening for health; Millie Ross conserves rare plants; Josh Byrne grows edible perennials; Clarence Slockee visits a youth justice project; and Jerry Coleby-Williams profiles palms."
"Josh Byrne meets an ornithologist to learn about supporting birds in backyards; Costa and junior gardener Caylee create magical miniature gardens; Sophie Thomson meets a group redistributing cafe waste to backyard composters."
"Costa explains how to protect the vegie patch with plants; Millie Ross visits a wildlife friendly garden; Tino Carnevale learns about the plants of sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island: Jane Edmanson plants fruit in pots."
"Costa Georgiadis looks at flowering natives; Tino Carnevale meet an expert tomato grower for all their tips; Jerry-Coleby Williams visits a family-friendly garden; Sophie Thomson plants a container garden for native bees."
"Sophie Thomson visits a whimsical garden; Tino Carnevale visits a garden growing connection for Hobart's Hazara community; Josh Byrne explores an area of rich, remnant vegetation in Perth; Costa Georgiadis does spring jobs."
"Costa Georgiadis and junior guest presenter Caylee plant herbs; Millie Ross sows native seed; Clarence Slockee meets a couple who have created a market garden at home; Guest presenter Palisa Anderson visits a citrus nursery."
"Sophie Thomson explores a well-designed garden; Clarence Slockee visits a community garden on Yuin Country; Tino Carnevale shares the art of pruning; Josh Byrne learns about WA's daisies; Jane Edmanson plants vegies in pots."
"Costa Georgiadis restores a seaweed meadow, Jane Edmanson visits a landscaper's coastal garden, Josh Byrne meets students who have planted an outdoor classroom, and Millie Ross shows how to shop smart at the nursery."
"Millie Ross visits a cut-flower wonderland, Jane Edmanson learns how market waste makes garden goodies, Josh Byrne has tips for year-round greens, and garden designer Fiona Brockhoff shares plants and places that inspire her."
"Gardening Australia celebrates the holiday season as Costa Georgiadis visits Jimmy and Jane Barnes at home, Clarence Slockee transforms a boggy spot into a rain garden, Jerry Coleby-Williams explores fragrant frangipani, and Millie Ross makes a colourful window box."
Season 33 - Gardening Australia
"Costa Georgiadis goes along to a plant swap, Millie Ross finds a picture-perfect productive garden, Sophie Thomson shows how to maximise garden space, and Tino Carnevale tackles some timely orchard tasks."
"Costa Georgiadis looks at reducing urban heat with trees, Sophie Thomson explores a glorious fig farm, Jerry Coleby-Williams has a compost method for every type of organic waste and Tino Carnevale visits seed saving experts."
"Costa Georgiadis makes a solar dehydrator for fruit and veg, Sophie Thomson meets a chef and a gardener working together, Clarence starts his autumn planting and Josh visits two couples sharing their house block and gardens."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a gardener's native sanctuary, Jerry Coleby-Williams heads to a papaya farm in FNQ, Josh Byrne transitions from summer to winter crops, and Jane Edmanson visits a thriving community garden."
"Costa Georgiadis visits an inner-city extravaganza, Millie Ross propagates plants, Sophie Thomson adds wildlife-friendly plants to her garden, and Jerry Coleby-Williams reveals the subtle signs of autumn in the subtropics."
"Costa Georgiadis explores Sydney's edible garden trail, Josh Byrne unpacks some native plant myths, Hannah Moloney shows how to plan a productive patch, and Clarence Slockee creates a seating circle."
"Costa Georgiadis meets an inspiring teenaged gardener, Millie Ross explores a garden designed for wildlife, Jane Edmanson shows how to prepare for winter and Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a couple of young plant collectors."
"Costa Georgiadis finds a bushland roof garden in inner-city Sydney, Sophie Thomson explores the world of pollen, Jane Edmanson enjoys a South African plant collection, and Josh Byrne prepares his garden for guests."
"Costa Georgiadis meets a young gardener who finds inspiration online, Jerry Coleby-Williams discovers a plant treasure trove, Sophie Thomson visits cooking legend Maggie Beer and Jane Edmanson enjoys some autumn colour."
"Jane Edmanson explores the flora of Lord Howe Island, Josh Byrne meets a young beekeeper, Millie Ross makes a seedling tray, Costa Georgiadis gets a taste for green ants in Kakadu, and Hannah Moloney introduces her goats."
"Jerry Coleby-Williams explores Cairns Botanic Gardens, Millie Ross shows how to harness the growing power of smoke, Jane Edmanson visits a tiny but terrific courtyard, and Costa Georgiadis holds a masterclass on worms."
"Costa Georgiadis and Millie Ross team up to build a chook run, Jerry Coleby-Williams celebrates the colourful world of bougainvilleas, Josh Byrne explores a lush fern garden in Perth's dry suburbs, and we meet a vegan chef."
"Costa visits an apartment dweller whose new garden hobby is growing, Clarence explores a botanic garden run by volunteers, Jerry meets scientists hunting hardy wild taro, and Millie suggests natives for tough garden spots."
"Costa Georgiadis goes behind the scenes at Ballarat's Begonia Festival, Jane Edmanson visits radio host Zan Rowe, Tino Carnevale shows how to test soil pH, and Millie Ross meets a gardener growing lots of exotic edibles."
"Millie Ross meets trainee rangers learning traditional ways to care for Country, Jane Edmanson explores a garden full of unusual plants, and Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a gardener who ate only home-grown food all year!"
"Costa Georgiadis looks at Banksias in Canberra, Hannah Maloney visits a market garden; Millie Ross highlights low-cost gardening; Sophie Thomson tours her hothouse; Jerry Coleby-Williams discovers a project creating habitat."
"Costa Georgiadis visits a vertical garden; Jerry Coleby-Williams meets some guerrilla gardeners; Jane Edmanson tours a courtyard of curiosities; Sophie Thomson prunes for higher canopies; Tammy Huynh creates tiny greenhouses."
"Jane and Millie tour the biggest garden show in the Southern Hemisphere; Costa meets with bonsai curators; Jerry learns about Camellia cultivation; Clarence visits a biodiverse property; Tino grows the perfect cup of tea."
"Costa celebrates the ABC's 90th; Millie prunes myriads of roses; Jane visits a historical horticultural society; Josh focuses on conservation at a zoo; Sophie explores a native garden; Tino shows how to love shrubs."
"Costa visits a laneway transformed by love and plants; Tammy meets home hydroponic growers; Tino resets the vegie garden for spring; Sophie dives into soil science; Millie visits guitar makers transforming salvaged timber."
"Costa visits the hidden garden of a renowned landscape designer; Sophie meets a grower of the prettiest produce; Jane tours a native mint collection; we meet an ecologist sharing the secrets of her biodiverse backyard."
"Costa learns about horticulture at the Zoo; Jane meets a flower-loving doctor; Tammy teaches care for fussy foliage plants; Josh learns about Lechenaultia; Tino pest-proofs his patch; Millie goes down her own garden path."
"Costa learns about wetlands; Millie meets a native flower grower; Josh returns to a sandy soil transformation; Jerry fixes an aging garden; Tammy shares tips to stop weeds; and we meet a photographer of farming and forests."
"Tino tours a home centred around courtyards; Jane focuses on ferns; Josh trellises citrus trees; Clarence learns about testing plants in public space; Jerry shares water management tips; Sophie visits a productive urban farm."
"Costa learns about weed labelling; Clarence repairs garden flood-damage; Josh shares tips to grow premium produce; Sophie focuses on fruit fly; Tammy shows how to construct a terrarium; we meet a passionate suburban grower."
"Costa walks a trail for mental health; Jane meets a gardener planting for animals; Tino visits a tomato sale; Jerry learns to pot up lycophytes; Millie finds a peaceful home garden; we meet a rare plant-collecting family."
"Costa meets up with a turf technician; Jane visits a production nursery; Sophie learns topiary technique; Jerry visits a cloister garden; Hannah pots up food forests combinations; we meet a florist farming her own flowers."
"Costa meets a grower inspired by botanic gardens; Josh learns about cockatoo conservation; Tammy heads to a rare plant fair; Mille meets inspiring neighbours; we visit a couple cultivating their relationship and their garden."
"Jane tours a patchwork of urban bushland; Clarence pots up soft and spiky native plants; Sophie meets a renter growing food with her community; Jerry tours an accessible garden; Millie builds planters out of pipes."
"Costa and Josh meet at a community farm; Millie tours regional biodiversity links; Jerry shares tips to flood-proof a garden; Jane coppices eucalypts; Hannah visits a communal patch; we meet a collector and his plant pad."
"Costa picks perfect citrus; Millie tours a designer's colourful garden; Tammy sets up hydroponics; Clarence sees weeds turned to art; Sophie visits a cooling garden; we learn about one of Australia's most prolific botanists."
"Costa plants potatoes in pots; Jane visits an Eremophila expert; Tino meets migrant gardeners; Sophie plants for pollinators; Josh reclaims a garden bed; and we meet a colourful collage artist."
"Costa explores a daffodil festival; Millie makes the most of spring; Josh meets gardeners of all ages; Jerry sees plants soften brutalism; Tammy explains types of variegation; we meet a midwife with a front yard food forest."
"Costa works with landscapers of all abilities; Josh visits a daylily grower; Millie grows a water garden; Hannah wards off pesky weeds; Sophie learns about dune ecology; we meet a farming family celebrating perennial plants."
"Costa meets an inspiring young reveg expert; Josh propagates woody herbs; Jerry tours an exotic collection; Tammy helps houseplants; Hannah protects fruit trees; we meet a Lebanese chef who grows traditional ingredients."
"Clarence puts his spin on a Christmas song; Josh preps his garden for holiday time; Sophie creates flower lanterns; Millie makes panettone; Jane tours two teachers' garden; and we meet a glass artist."
Season 34 - Gardening Australia
"Costa learns about plant adaptions to climate; Sophie visits a designer's home; Millie gets stuck into summer jobs; Clarence & Hannah get a garden history lesson; Tammy grows potted dragon fruit; we meet an orchid hybridiser."
"Costa meets a frog fanatic; Sophie talks garden ties; Jerry whacks weeds; Jane tours an inclined garden; Hannah harnesses chook power; Clarence discovers the power of plants; we meet an artist inspired by plants and play."
"Costa tours an expert's vegie patch; Jane cultivates autumn colour; Josh learns about a plant pathogen; Tammy suggests plants for shade; Millie tours a bushwalk for those with dementia; Sophie meets a carnivorous collector."
"Jane visits a florist at home; Hannah grows garlic; Tammy tours a Begonia collection; Costa sees plants remediate soil; Sophie explores native groundcovers; Millie plants a rock wall; we meet an Elder, linguist, and botanist."
"Jane plants unusual herbs; Clarence cares for grass trees; Josh visits a productive home garden; Jerry prunes a mango; Tammy talks indoor light; Costa tours Hannah's home garden; we meet an internationally celebrated florist."
"Costa visits a cultural food garden; Jane views stunning botanical art; Clarence warns of a common weed; Josh creates habitat; Sophie meets maple collectors; Jerry plants a perennial border; we meet a wonderful waste warrior."
"Tammy pots up stunning indoor plant combos; Sophie meets a team rescuing plants for charity; Jane visits a quirky home garden; Hannah learns all about a garden pollinator; we meet the Rangers caring for the Larapinta Trail."
"Costa is bowled over by terrific turf; Clarence traces a green web of gardens; Hannah tours a downsized productive patch; Jerry shares bulbs for the subtropics; Millie renovates a wheelbarrow; we meet bird-loving ecologist."
"Costa visits a Landcare legacy school; Millie tours a designer home haven; Jane finds wonders in a wellness garden; Clarence builds a mini native wetland; Sophie gets active on autumn jobs; and we meet a tenacious topiarist."
"Costa goes to melon heaven; Jane strolls through a diverse native garden; Jerry visits keen collectors; Guest presenter, Jude, builds a vegetable patch from scratch; and we meet a scientist motivated by microscopic moss."
"Tammy meets a gardener cultivating culture; Hannah plants with her dad; Costa tours a micro-forest; Jerry visits a peaceful planting; Sophie highlights hedge benefits; and we meet a dancer weaving creativity into his garden."
"Costa meets a team cultivating inclusion; Hannah visits a sustainable slope; Josh views efficient design; Jerry picks native plants; Sophie talks suitable soil; Jude plants salad success; and we meet a rose specialist."
"Millie visits seed farmers; Costa meditates on gardening; Josh meets lake enliveners; Clarence rejuvenates a shady spot; Jane tours a family legacy; and we meet a landscape architect adding wilderness to her work."
"Tammy builds a herb tower, Clarence welcomes a new eucalypt, Sophie marvels mosaic art, Jerry tours a restored waterway, Millie preps for winter, Jude makes a hot compost bed, and we meet a scientist nurturing native bees."
"Clarence and Millie tour a transformed landscape, Costa visits a food rescue centre, Josh meets a productive duo, Tammy cares for fussy figs, Sophie has transplant tips, plus we meet a team keeping Indigenous languages alive."
"Costa meets flower show designers, Hannah protects the garden from frost, Jerry savours sub-tropical tomatoes, Millie plants up a shady corridor, Josh rescues a cumquat & we meet a photographer who is wild about wildflowers."
"Sophie meets habitat heroes, Hannah grafts plums, Clarence profiles native mint, Costa visits camellia carers, Tammy divides roots, Jane explores herb flavours, Jude grows seedlings, and we meet an extreme plant collector."
"Costa gives a lesson on landscaping, Tammy visits an orchid wonderland, Josh learns about legumes and nitrogen; Jane tours an edible forest, and we meet a gardener growing a fulfilling career in Canberra."
"Hannah visits a dreamy design; Millie meets the next generation of farmers; Jerry rescues plants from a redevelopment; Sophie spotlights flowers that are fragrant at night; and we meet a fuchsia fancier."
"Sophie covers perennial principles; Jane visits a centenarian gardener; Tammy cares for African violets; Costa features strappy-leaved plants; Jerry refreshes a raised bed; and we meet a garden guru in arid Alice Springs."
"Josh visits a leafy loft, Tammy grows food in the shade, Clarence plants up a tree stump, Costa tours a Bollywood backyard, Millie preps for spring, and we meet a paleoecologist who sees the natural world as a history book."
"Clarence gets into grevillea care, Sophie visits a Thai chef's gourmet garden, Costa explores lawn-lookalikes, Jerry highlights versatile hibiscus, Tammy covers pot care, and we meet a wildflower woman on the Sunshine Coast."
"Sophie explains how flowers fruit, Jerry tours a bonsai collection, Millie visits a quarry restoration, Tammy builds a vertical garden, Clarence tackles tough weeds, and we meet an indoor plant expert using no soil."
"Jane and Costa check out Heide Museum gardens, Tammy tours a rare plant nursery, Sophie visits a colourful kitchen garden, Josh prunes native plants, and we meet a floral designer skilled in the Japanese art of ikebana."
"Costa tours a mini botanic garden, Clarence spring cleans an overgrown bed, Josh visits a gardening radio icon, Millie tours a succulent collection, and we meet a scientist who led the National Botanic Gardens in Canberra."
"Hannah visits a stunning small garden, Costa explores ferns, Tammy profiles indoor blooms, Jerry tours a backyard laboratory, Josh's tomato trivia, Millie tours a native nursery, plus we meet a chef growing Thai ingredients."
"Costa tours a high-rise haven, Jane fights fungus gnats, Clarence visits a school in love with gardening, Tino tours a grand garden built by a talented family, plus we meet a textile artist threading floral masterpieces."
"Josh learns how gardens heal us, Costa gets paving, Sophie creates home floristry, Clarence tours a habitat corridor, Hannah gardens on clay soil, plus we meet African communities uniting through growing food."
"Jane visits a community restoring storm affected plots, Costa tours a heritage-listed garden, Tammy plants up a bromeliad basket, Jerry lifts the lid on compost critters, plus we meet a home gardener producing food for chefs."
"Jerry tours a tropical garden, Josh learns about magpies, Millie visits a school farm, Jane explores ways to add colour in the garden, Clarence creates a seating circle, plus we meet a ceramicist inspired by native seedpods."
"Costa meets farmers fighting food waste, Josh tours a garden built on a spring, Tammy profiles Gesneriad plants, Hannah visits a haskap berry farm, Jerry has frugal garden tips, and we meet a student with a botanical bedroom."
"Costa tours a potted paradise, Hannah builds a reo mesh arch, Jane visits a legacy garden, Jerry fights pests, Sophie meets a creative couple, Millie features underrated evergreens, and Tammy dives into aquatic plants."
"Clarence creates a native bouquet, Tammy visits a creative sloped garden, Jerry tours a hydroponic nursery, Costa meets a team growing food for wildlife, Sophie attacks aster overgrowth, plus we meet a forest therapy guide."
"Jane explores a native garden; Costa meets horticulture educators; Tammy prunes potted plants; Clarence plants out a pond; Millie starts up her spring patch; Sophie tidies insect hotels; plus we meet a potato-growing prodigy."
"Costa visits a communal garden; Sophie beats the heat; Josh tours a productive perennial patch; Millie pampers pot plants; Jane celebrates cypress; Jerry meets the frangipani family; and we meet a nursery grower in Indonesia."
"Costa and Tammy explore the plants and gardens of Indonesia, one of Australia's nearest neighbours. This incredible island nation is one of the most biodiverse places on earth, filled with unique species found nowhere else."
"Costa makes a spinning compost bin; Jerry talks edible tree leaves; Hannah propagates hedges; Clarence sows desert peas; Millie meets a pair of foodie gardeners; Josh plants watermelon; and we visit a botanist's dream garden."
"Costa gives garden bed gifts; Jane explores a florist's paradise; Millie sets up for summer success; Tammy creates beautiful living wreaths; Clarence learns about Christmas beetles; and Hannah meets a family of berry farmers."
Season 35 - Gardening Australia
"Jane picks perfect blueberries; Costa dips into Woodford; Tammy lets out landscape designer secrets; Clarence explores a new herbarium; Jerry shows off his latest plant haul; and we meet a photographer taking bird portraits."
"Hannah stops codling moth; Costa plans to landscape; Millie sees how flowers change lives; Josh discovers an unusual plant parasite; Sophie explores plant lore; and we meet a soldier who has become a social media star."
"Costa visits a harmonious garden; Millie investigates soil safety; Josh fortifies his summer supply; Tammy marvels at wondrous Haworthia; Clarence explores shoreline rejuvenation; and we meet a resilient plant shop owner."
"Sophie visits a philanthropic propagator; Hannah delves into cold frames; Jerry rises to greener heights; Jane peers behind the camera; Tammy crafts a leafy piece of art; and we meet a family who garden and grow together."
"Tammy visits a collector's colourful balcony; Costa meets multicultural community gardeners; Clarence profiles autumn flowering natives; Millie savours summer; plus we meet a florist creating sculptures with fruit and veg."
"Hannah visits a permaculture garden; Costa gets waterwise with wicking pots; Jerry celebrates the subtropics; Josh talks to an inspired gardener; plus we meet a collective of beekeepers whose creativity is the bee's knees."
"Sophie visits a welcoming bower-come-garden; Josh rejuvenates declining potted herbs; Jane investigates novel crops; Millie tours a collaborative garden; Jerry perfects seed bed preparation; Tammy explores ancient cycads."
"Costa visits an aquatic wonder; Clarence creates a potted bushfood pantry; Millie renovates her chook run; Jerry tours a sprawling country garden; plus we meet a professor fighting to conserve critically endangered plants."
"Costa makes some furry friends at Australia Zoo; Jane tours a tiny garden with big character; Hannah augments her autumn crop supply; Sophie hammers flower colours into buntings; and Clarence revels in a rosy delight."
"Costa tours heritage gardens at Retford Park; Jane shares gardening wisdom with a beginner; Clarence talks to refugees growing food; Millie propagates new plants; plus we meet a nature-inspired author and illustrator."
"Costa demonstrates essential gardening skills; Jane visits a welcoming communal garden; Jerry makes some feathered friends; Millie marvels at picturesque perennials; plus we meet a carnivorous plant collector."
"Sophie explores a wildlife garden oasis, Jerry visits a charitable urban farm, Tammy saves a discarded succulent, Jane delights in autumn colour, Josh tours a designer garden, plus we meet a garden-inspired woodblock artist."
"Costa visits a tropical oasis, Hannah tours a mushroom tunnel, Millie explores a wildflower reseeding project; Jerry reflects on his 20-year-old garden, and we meet Lachie Weller, a footy player turned prolific gardener."
"Costa tackles his essential autumn checklist, Jane tours a renter's prolific edible garden, Millie builds a new no-dig raised bed, Sophie visits an innovative eco-vineyard, and we meet a duo of straw marquetry artists."
"Sophie visits a glorious autumn garden, Hannah installs a frog pond, Josh gives crop rotation tips, Jerry tours a sustainable designer garden, Tammy delves into grow lights, and we meet a remarkable chrysanthemum grower."
"Jerry meets a staghorn and elkhorn fern collector, Jane shows how to grow fruits in small spaces, Costa visits an urban farm training deaf and hard of hearing students, and Sophie tours a spectacular dryland garden."
"Costa visits a stunning garden in Goulburn, Millie fortifies her autumn plot, Clarence meets a team healing country, Hannah explores iconic Tasmanian plants, and we meet a pair of creative gardening sculptors."
"Sophie visits a pawsome garden, Costa walks a tranquil nature trail, Josh plants edible perennials, Millie explores the Garden of St Erth, Jane shares her lovely courtyard garden, and we meet a passionate fungi photographer."
"Millie and Tammy meet award winning garden designers, Hannah replaces apricot trees, Costa crafts a strawberry hamper, Josh plants unusual alliums, Jane showcases compact shrubs, and we meet a couple with a bountiful garden."
"Costa meets the clivia king, Hannah visits a shady garden defying the odds, Sophie profiles flowers of the protea family, Clarence visits a First Nations owned and run nursery, and Millie gets started with winter jobs."
"Jerry visits a tropical fruit tree nursery, Millie grows flowers under gum trees, Tammy meets an aroids expert, Jane showcases cool conifers, and we meet a jeweller who takes inspiration from her native garden."
"Hannah meets conservationists and children saving endangered birds, Costa visits a stunning ornamental garden, Tammy crafts a bay leaf wreath, Jane visits an innovative small garden, and we meet a prolific bonsai artist."
"Costa visits a community recovering from floods, Jane looks at new plant varieties, Tammy explores lush green walls, Millie plants long season crops, Sophie profiles fragrant flowers, and we meet a duo of daffodil lovers."
"Tammy meets a foliage fashionista, Sophie refreshes wicking beds, Josh visits a buzzing wildlife garden, Hannah grafts a grapevine, Millie explores a farm growing rare vegetables, and we meet an artist with a meadow garden."
"Jerry tours a thriving succulent garden, Costa revives a derelict pond, Sophie gives a masterclass on hanging baskets, Clarence helps save rainforest seeds, and we meet a plantswoman with a flair for naturalistic design."
"Jane tours a colourful rose garden, Costa visits a sustainable community hub, Jerry grows aromatic curry spices, Hannah looks at native orchids, Josh profiles beautiful banksias, and we meet an expert bushfoods educator."
"Jane tours a stunning country garden, Jerry curbs useful but vigorous plants, Clarence showcases potted features, Guest Presenter Jac combines plant colours and forms, and we meet a photographic artist who loves native flora."
"Costa visits a garden classroom, Josh tours an artistic garden, Millie gets stuck into spring jobs, Jerry looks at a new cane toad control method, Tammy crafts a succulent table piece, and Jane relishes rare alpine flowers."
"Jane visits vibrant laneway gardens, Costa meets a psychiatrist who studies gardening, Sophie delves into blueberry varieties, Tammy tours a tropical garden, Josh plants summer Solanaceae crops, and we meet a hibiscus grower."
"Millie meets a passionate plantsman, Clarence profiles clay-loving natives, Hannah explains manure benefits, Jane tours an urban bush garden, guest presenter Jac plays with flower forms, and we visit a rooftop garden co-op."
"Costa tours a rhododendron garden, Jerry surprises us with natives, Josh investigates a new pest beetle, Clarence visits a garden embracing local ecology, and we meet the designer of a breath-taking, world-famous garden."
"Jerry goes to a bamboo nursery, Jane looks at flowering native shrubs, Costa grows crops in pots, Clarence prunes native shrubs, our guest presenter multiplies perennials, and we look at plants under the microscope."
"Costa looks back at gardening on the ABC, Jane visits a garden village, Clarence sees an Aboriginal-owned botanic garden, Sophie learns about maizes, Josh re-visits his own gardens and Millie walks a dementia-friendly trail."
"Jane re-visits a garden designed in a classic French-style, Costa meets a funnel-web expert, Tammy refreshes pot plants, Jerry takes a closer look at grevilleas and we meet an artist using plants to create art."
"Clarence visits a garden transformed with native plants, Sophie gives us her best rental garden tips, Millie visits a community doing great things with silverbeet, and we meet a mosquito researcher."
"Sophie takes a look at a country garden, Jane visits a program for gardeners with autism, Josh goes to a Verticordia garden, Jerry shares his pineapple knowledge and we meet a gardener advocating for her community."
"In a Christmas Special Millie explores a hedge maze, Clarence goes to a koala hospital, Sophie makes Christmas gifts for growing, Hannah tours a farm with a holistic approach plus an elder shares knowledge of a special plant."
Season 36 - Gardening Australia
"Tammy tours a designer garden, Costa visits a school farm, Jerry controls monster plants, Millie shares garden lessons, Josh explores unique natives, Clarence profiles lilly pillies, and Sophie admires garden glass artworks."
"Costa meets an unstoppable gardener, Sophie combines edible and ornamental plants, Hannah tours a huge restaurant garden, Josh visits a community nursery, and we meet a gardener advocating for accessibility."